The 8 Roles In IT Allowing Digital Nomadic Lifestyle

The 8 Roles In IT Allowing Digital Nomadic Lifestyle


Many people desire to change the scenery but few can guess about the patterns to realize their dreams. Who wouldn’t want to visit the Roman Colosseum and leave for the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt a week later? The information technology resume writing services know a simple secret of affordable traveling to off-beat destinations while still earning a living. A talent, a laptop, and a personal interest in information or communication technologies are the keys to a successful career path for those who choose the amazing routes of digital nomads.

Woman working outside at a cafe
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Many people desire to change the scenery but few can guess about the patterns to realize their dreams. Who wouldn’t want to visit the Roman Colosseum and leave for the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt a week later? The information technology resume writing services know a simple secret of affordable traveling to off-beat destinations while still earning a living. A talent, a laptop, and a personal interest in information or communication technologies are the keys to a successful career path for those who choose the amazing routes of digital nomads.

You should consider the fact that with all that freedom to travel almost anywhere, a nomadic lifestyle definitely is not all Mai Tai on Tahitian beach. Sometimes it may be hard to balance between fun and work. Nevertheless, a telecommuting career means the persistent search for reliable sources of consistent income as well as hard work to keep financial stability. The easiest way to find the sources to maintain bread buttered on both sides is to check the top list of the eight most in-demand digital nomad occupations in 2021.

1. Writer

If you think you need to be the Booker Prize owner to get paid for your writing, you get it wrong. Content as a product is much sought out by a great number of companies on a regular basis. The writers of today can get many faces, being engaged in copywriting, SEO-writing, rewriting, medical and technical writing, journalism, advertisement, or blogging. All you need for content outsourcing is an inspiring portfolio that demonstrates your skills and an account registered on reputable freelance platforms.


2. Videomaker

Though video platforms are full of those who try to make both money and a name, there is a growing demand for high-quality videos. The range of subjects to give publicity can impress. You may choose any niche you like for vlogging from a wide range of games, brands, and companies, product video reviews, ads, promotions, or your daily routine such as cooking or raising children.  All you need is a sustainable connection for uploading and programs for editing your videos.

3. Virtual Assistant

If you are a doer, not a talker, a role of a virtual assistant may become yours. The piles of administrative work and tasks won’t frighten you if you are well-organized and ready to be permanently online. Though there are no defined tasks to perform, the most typical ones include scheduling appointments, making phone calls or travel arrangements, organizing events, and managing email accounts. Additional skills such as graphic design, blog writing, bookkeeping, updating social media, and marketing services are usually welcome. You’ll need some experience and good references within the field.

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4. SEO Specialist

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is what gets called a high-demand area today. Only the sites with positions highly ranked by search engines are easily available for visitors and bring customers for content, products, and services. The minimum set of skills for SEO specialists includes basics of coding, adjusting the architecture of sites, and determining keywords the page should contain. You should invest your time and money in educating. And that may be a long-termed process, as the maximum list for skilled professionals includes knowledge of all the tricks of the trade to let a website stay afloat.

5. Programmer

A spur-of-the-moment notion of working nomads pictures a coder with a laptop shadowed by palm leaves. There is a suggestion of truth in this figure, as a good portion of the nomad community is really comes from programmers. As the digital world keeps growing, talented programmers will get involved in every area, either it is software, websites, or apps projects. Knowledge of several programming languages, such as C++, Python, or Java, with regular check-ins allow travel and work from any remote corner and get significant pay.

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6. Social Media Marketer

Social media marketer connects products with the customers via social media platforms. This role is designed to build a brand and increase sales through analyzing and refining the company’s public image. The common responsibilities include responding to the commentators, creating and scheduling posts, running events,  driving website traffic. Your goal here is to keep customers happy and growing the community. Social media marketing keeps staying a treasured part of any brand’s core identity in the modern business environment.

7. Digital Entrepreneur

Those who are engaged in e-commerce have fully adopted the digital lifestyle and understand how many new opportunities the online market constantly brings. That is why you can often meet them among working nomads. They own websites, run some shops on Amazon, dropship, or import goods to sell them locally. You need investment, some effort to be able to perform several roles simultaneously. If you play your cards right, it will be possible to make a ton of money and hire a remotely-based staff to let the business function properly.


8. Graphic Designer

If you have a strong laptop, a drawing tablet, and a stylus, you can work anywhere. Visual elements and graphics are the integral components of the digital world as well as a real one. To be hirable without a degree you should have a taste and basic understanding of design software functions. With a quality portfolio, you can get tons of orders for the identity of brands, logos, social media ads, or special designs of websites.

Featured Image: Supplied by the author
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