Organising your desktop


Do you still keep all your files on your desktop? If so, naughty you! But here’s some wallpaper to help you manage the files you have

Featured Wallpaper - Organising Desktop
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Update: Please see below for a new version


I was sick and tired of having icons stuck all over my desktop (I’m a sucker for downloading/saving stuff to the desktop for sorting “later”) so I’ve designed some wallpaper to help me organise and manage the files on my desktop:


Organise your desktop
(click to view larger version)

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The page is split up into 6 sections:

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  • My PC – My computer, My Documents etc
  • To Install – Programs to install on the machine
  • To Delete – Unwanted programs/icons
  • To Read/review – Documents that require my attention
  • My Links – Frequently used links
  • Work In Progress – Things I’m currently doing

You can download a 1024×768 (yes I know but I have a crap laptop at work) version (JPEG format) from here


Update: As requested by Karen, I have moved the “To Delete” and “Work in progress” text up so it’s visible on smaller screens you can dowload the new version from here – aren’t I nice eh? 😉

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
  • Follow Katy Whitton on:
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6 thoughts on “Organising your desktop

  1. “Thanks for a simple, but so useful tip! I customized another wallpaper background in a similar way. I used My computer, Program shortcuts, Temporary, Work in progress, Videos & presentations and Manuals. Might change those sections as time goes by, but this is a great way to organize the desktop and to see when there’s something new downloaded that shouldn’t be there.”

  2. “I too had searched high and low for a way to organize the 1000 angry icons on my desktop. Then I found Fences – Never looked back. Cheers.”

  3. “Karen – Consider it done! I have added a new version of the wallpaper to the blog post,Daniel – I’m glad you like it :)”

  4. “Love your wallpaper however I find that the bottom sections (To Delete and Work In Progress) are too long so I do not see the actual type on my screen. Any suggestions in making those visible? Or maybe moving the type to the top instead of dispalying on the bottom?”

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