How To Run An Appraisal

How To Run An Appraisal


As we move into the new year, we’ll all start having to face the prospects of either giving a review or being on the receiving end of one. The following video I stumbled on whilst wandering through YouTube is an excellent example of how a decent appraisal meeting should be run.

Man grading colleagues
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Well, New Year coming up so new start and all that eh? Winker

As we move into the new year, we’ll all start having to face the prospects of either giving a review or being on the receiving end of one. The following video I stumbled on whilst wandering through YouTube is an excellent example of how a decent appraisal meeting should be run.

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Some important points to take away from it:

  • Appraisals aren’t there to look back and apportion blame, they’re a tool to discuss how you want to move forwards
  • Recognise that people may not be comfortable with certain aspects of their working lives and offer them help towards resolving these problems rather than seeing them as a lost cause
  • Ask for the employee’s point of view, don’t just say “This is what you’re going to do, like it or lump it”

Anyway, sit back and enjoy this short but informative video:


About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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1 thought on “How To Run An Appraisal

  1. “I’ve had to do appraisals before and people are always more concerned about how they have done than the future. They took some convincing to talk about themselves, thinking it was just the manager’s chance to give them a pat on the back or a telling off. “

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