How To Prepare For School Exams
In the midst of the patent and baccalaureate review period, students often wonder how to be ready for their GCSEs. Learning has been very much turned upside down because of Covid-19 and children haven’t always had the face to face help that they need. That is why many children feel that they are falling behind and want or need some extra help. Get ready for your GCSE year with an online tutor which can allow you to feel more confident for your future exams.

In the midst of the patent and baccalaureate review period, students often wonder how to be ready for their GCSEs. Learning has been very much turned upside down because of Covid-19 and children haven’t always had the face to face help that they need. That is why many children feel that they are falling behind and want or need some extra help. Get ready for your GCSE year with an online tutor which can allow you to feel more confident for your future exams.
Step 1: Be Clear About The Content Of The Exam
You have to be up to date on all the subjects you have to take, for that you have to ask yourself a few questions:
- What are your strengths and weaknesses?
- What are the subjects that you find the simplest and the most complicated?
- Which revision sheets have already been done and which ones still need to be done?
- What are the coefficients of each subject?
- How is the exam organized? That is to say, the duration, the type of examination (oral, written, essay, exercises, etc.), etc.
This first step will allow you to regain confidence in your abilities and to better organize yourself in your revisions by focusing them on the subjects where you have the most difficulties. Perhaps some subjects are harder for you than others. Some children prefer words and language and others find maths and numbers much easier. It doesn’t matter what works for you, as long as you work out a way to improve the skills you want. When you know what is needed of you and what is expected, you can easily find a way to manage your time.
Step 2: Make An Efficient But Flexible Schedule
It is important to set goals in order to motivate yourself to review, but be careful not to target unattainable goals! For example, there is no need to schedule precise revisions down to the minute. Sometimes unforeseen events arise or you can get slack, that’s why you have to anticipate and plan in your schedule a few more hours “just in case” to make up for a possible delay.
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So be careful not to be too idealistic in your schedule: it is not possible to be able to revise all the subjects on the same day! If the goal of the day has been reached, you can take the opportunity to revise what has already been learned (to check if the concepts have been integrated), get ahead or relax.
If you tire yourself out, then you won’t want to do anything else and you may struggle with other areas of your life. You don’t want to completely stop socialising or doing what you love. That is not the aim. In fact, you should really consider taking regular breaks. You know what you are capable of.
Step 3: Establish An Efficient Work Rate
It is counterproductive to want to work every day from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. but try to find your own pace of work: Do you feel more productive in the morning or at the end of the day? Work a little every day at the same hours by giving yourself breaks (very important if they are in reasonable quantity!)
Step 4: Find The Right Revision Method
Each student is different and therefore you have to find the learning techniques that are effective for you. There are different styles of learning. To revise effectively you should:
- Do not just highlight then read and reread the course: familiarity with a course read and reread gives the illusion of mastering it but does not allow it to be applied or actively used.
- Vary the techniques of revisions: this is, with the regularity of the work, what really makes the difference!
- Learn “in layers’ ‘, that is to say retain the titles and subtitles, then the essential information (definitions, theorems) and finally the examples. Then, explain the course to someone like a teacher (or imagine how we would do it).
- Regularly review lessons already learned, spacing out the time between each retake (two days, one week, two weeks, etc.).
- Do not spend too much time on the same subject, take 10 minute breaks every 40/50 minutes.
Step 5: Go Over Past Exams
Looking at exam papers that were used in previous years will allow you to know:
- What to expect
- What are the typical subjects?
- What are the subjects that have already fallen or that fall often?
The best technique not to be surprised on the big day is to put yourself in the exam condition: that is to say to write an entire exam record in the allotted time without taking a break.
Step 6: Remember To Decompress
Revising is good, but you shouldn’t just live for that, take some time for yourself and think about decompressing. Do some yoga or sport, or go out and see friends. You should take a break and go for a walk, do some meditation, watch a movie, play an instrument.
Take the focus away from your studies as this is key. You need to remember that your mind will not work as well if you decide to not decompress. You will become stale and the information will eventually stop sinking in and then you’ll feel as if you have made no progress. But don’t be hard on yourself. No exam is worth destroying your mental health for. You can retake exams. You can learn from past errors. Do not worry too much.
Step 7: Prepare Your Things For The Big Day
Pack your bag the night before so you don’t forget anything because of the stress on the morning of the exam at school. Make sure you have all the necessary items:
- ID card
- Case with several pens
- Calculator: if it’s a test that requires it
- Ruler
- Colored pencils if needed
- Bottle of water and snack
Thanks to these few steps you should be ready to take your exams! We wish you good luck and good luck to you!