February 12, 2025
How To Deal With Scams That Target Smartphones

How To Deal With Scams That Target Smartphones


Our smartphones have become an integral part of our lives. Apart from helping us reach our friends and family, they’re all-around tools designed to entertain us and make our day-to-day transactions a lot easier. But now that so much information is stored and transacted through our gadgets, it’s unfortunate to know that mobile devices have become a primary target of cybercriminals.

Back view of crop anonymous young male reading news on mobile phone while sitting in bedroom
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Our smartphones have become an integral part of our lives. Apart from helping us reach our friends and family, they’re all-around tools designed to entertain us and make our day-to-day transactions a lot easier. But now that so much information is stored and transacted through our gadgets, it’s unfortunate to know that mobile devices have become a primary target of cybercriminals.

Millions around the globe receive unwanted calls and messages daily, and those who know how to identify SMS scams simply delete or ignore them. However, many people are unaware of such schemes and eventually find themselves within a hacker’s reach.

To help keep fraudsters away, our guide will teach you how to deal with smartphone scams.

Social Media Spam

Social media has turned into a hunting ground for scammers. Whether you’re on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, you’ll see a lot of fake accounts lurking around these channels. These trolls spam users with private messages or comment on posts with a large following to steal personal information.

If you receive a suspicious message from someone you don’t know, it’s best to block the sender completely. On the other hand, if a random person places a seemingly harmless link on one of your pictures, delete the comment and adjust the post’s visibility. Tweaking your privacy settings will give you a quick fix by preventing unwanted personnel from reaching you.

SMS Phishing (Smishing)

Ever received a text from an unknown number asking you to reply, click a link, or send money? If the answer is yes, then you’ve been a target of SMS phishing. Also known as smishing scams, these are very common and can take up many forms.

Fraudsters usually disguise themselves as a sweepstakes company or a financial institution that needs your immediate attention. Smishing texts can be intimidating since they’re pressuring you to take action. Some may threaten to charge you with fees or close your account, but you shouldn’t feel obliged to follow their instructions.

The good news is you can easily solve this dilemma by getting in touch with the associated company. Once you confirm that the message is fake, block the sender and issue a report to the necessary authorities.

Keep in mind that you should follow the same protocols for phishing emails. If you regularly send or receive emails through your phone, you may eventually find a suspicious message in your inbox. If you receive one, check if you’ve signed up for the sender’s newsletter or get in touch with the affiliated organization to prove its validity.

Fake Apps And Websites

As more and more people enter the digital space, hackers are making the most out of the occasion by building fake apps and websites. Given that you have a lot of personal information stored in your phone, the best way to keep your data safe is to be wary of what you click.

If you want to download a particular app, it’s best to download it from the official site and to check on reviews before doing so. Whenever you’re using a browser, check if the page is encrypted by looking for a lock icon right beside the URL. These simple tips will keep your phone safe from data siphoning malware.

Keep Your Smartphones Safe

Now that we live in an age of interconnectedness, every person with a smartphone can be at risk of a cyberattack. Considering that SMS can be used to communicate emergencies and serve as a digital marketing channel, you’ll need to stay vigilant with the messages you receive.

About The Author
Alex built Semaphore's tech backbone and keeps it running smoothly. In his spare time, he grows hydroponic tomatoes and plays video games.
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