How Changing Your Store Layout Can Earn You Money

How Changing Your Store Layout Can Earn You Money


Do you own a store that’s getting a lot of foot traffic, but not making as many sales as you’d like? This is a common problem among business owners, and it could be your store’s layout that’s to blame. Here are some things to consider when rearranging your store’s layout. These changes may seem simple but could have a real impact on the bottom line.

Bright light open plan shop floor
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Do you own a store that’s getting a lot of foot traffic, but not making as many sales as you’d like? This is a common problem among business owners, and it could be your store’s layout that’s to blame. Here are some things to consider when rearranging your store’s layout. These changes may seem simple but could have a real impact on the bottom line.

Get The Help Of The Professionals

If you’re completely stuck and have no idea where to start, why not get in touch with the experts? Classic Duo specialises in store layout, among other services, which will help you get your store set up to succeed.

Get Your Floor Plan Right

If your floor plan is wrong, you’re doomed to fail right from the very start. Your floor plan helps to maintain the flow of foot traffic around your store, as well as displaying your wares in a flattering manner. A good floor plan will allow your customers time and space to browse and will show off your products in the best possible light. Meanwhile, a bad one will cause congestion, and leave potential customers frustrated and stressed out.


There is no single floor plan that is inherently better than all of the others. The plan you choose depends on what kind of wares you’re selling, and how much space you have in your store. If you don’t have much space, you could opt for a straight floor plan, which allows you to make the best of your space. If you have more space, you could use a loop floor plan, which encourages customers to walk around it in a certain predetermined path.

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Are you interested in becoming an affiliate marketer? Good choice. This is a billion-dollar industry where thousands of internet marketers rake in thousands or even millions of dollars every month. Are you ready to know how the process works? Let’s start by answering a few questions.

Eye-Level Is Buy Level

Whatever is in your customers’ direct eyelines is going to sell. Therefore, you need to think carefully about what you put at eye level in your store. Cheap, low-profit items should be kept lower on the shelves. Meanwhile, profitable items should be placed at eye level. However, be careful not to overload your eye level shelves with items that are too expensive. No matter how desirable they may be, they could be out of the price range of many shoppers.

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If you’re planning on building your own successful business, you’re going to have a few important things to consider first. It isn't all about the product or service you are offering - so read on to figure out what else you’re going to need to do.

Rotate Your Displays

Don’t just leave all of the same stock out on the floor year-round. Repeat customers will get bored if they find the same items visit after visit. Instead, keep things fresh by moving items around, bringing new stock from the back onto the floor, and so on.


Appeal To The Senses

Most store managers are completely obsessed with aesthetics, and aesthetics only. While visuals are certainly important, focusing only on them means you’ll miss the bigger picture. You need to excite more of the senses to make a visit to your store an enjoyable one. Music is a common way that stores keep shoppers interested, but there are other things you can do to stimulate the senses of your guests. Making your shop smell a certain way, allowing your customers to get hands-on with the merchandise, and – if you own a food store – allowing customers to taste samples for free are all ways of using senses to make sales.

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