Google's taking over the world! Plus Free Software For All!

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Via Lifehacker I found a list of Google Services, here’s just a taster:

  • Google Blog Search is very much like the web search service but letting search only through various blogs around the web.
  • Google Book Search allows you to search though books that Google has scanned into their database.
  • Google Catalogs is a search engine for mail-order catalogs.
  • Google Code is Google’s effort to promote and contribute to Open Source software.
  • Google Compute exists as a part of the Google Toolbar and uses your computer’s idle time (when you’re not using it) to compute data from distributed computing projects like Folding@Home.
  • Google Deskbar is essentially an embedded IE window in your Window Taskbar that you can search Google from.
  • Google Desktop is similar to apps like Konfabulator or Dashboard but not as attractive. It offers various widgets and a sidebar which let you do things like searches, aggregate feeds, write notes, check weather, and more.

View the full Google Services list at TipMonkies

shocked and that’s just a small taster! Mental!


Plus, OpenCD have just released new a new version jam-packed to with loads of open-source goodness.

Google Notebook Launches
Google have launched their new “Notebook” which allows you to store images, web clippings and...

Programs include:

Track Adsense Clicks via Analytics
You’ve set up your Google Analytics account, you’ve got your Adsense Ads set up and guess...

Plus much more. Coming soon will be a round up of Open Source software (mainly for Windows as I haven’t gotten round to installing my new Linux hard-drive yet cheeky tongue).



About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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