Free Download: June Motivational Wallpaper [Quote By Sam Keen]
Your free motivational wallpaper for this month features a quote by Sam Keen and allows you permission to take some time off over the summer and enjoy yourself!

This month’s wallpaper features a quote by Sam Keen. Usually I will put some form of thought-provoking or motivational quote on the wallpaper but for the next couple of months we have permission to take a little break as it’s summer which is (if you are luck to actually experience a summer which we rarely get in the U.K) the height of laziness!
According to Wikipedia, Sam Keen was born in 1931 and is a noted American author, lecturer and philosopher.
There isn’t a huge amount on information on him on his Wikipedia page which is quite unusual for someone who has a reasonable volume of work.
I have to admit I found the quote via Brainy Quotes when I was looking for something inspirational (or excuse giving!) for the summer months and there’s very little about him on the internet full stop.
You can however read a great interview between Keen and Scott London here and learn that it’s never too late to take up the trapeze and perhaps learn something new about your own outlook on life.
You can download the wallpaper by clicking on the image below and setting it as your wallpaper or by right-clicking this link and selecting “Save As” and you should then be able to navigate to the downloaded file to use it on your desktop.
If you have any suggestions for quotes I’d love to hear them. Please leave a comment or contact me