Five Great Books On Time Management


If you’re looking to become more productive the check out these five great books on Time Management which will give some great advice on topics such as list management, mental decluttering and Mini Habits.

Five Great Books On Time Management
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The most effective people now how to manage various aspects of their life and are productive at work because they meet deadlines, take the time to network with others and are goal oriented. Time management is definitely not a skill we are born with. Most of us learn how to carry out our jobs more efficiently by honing our time management skills until they are flawless.

Some of the most important tips for being time efficient include setting goals, dividing them into smaller goals and setting a time scale which must be adhered to, without distraction or hesitation.

Of course, there are many more sophisticated ways in which we can get a whole lot more done, in less time. These books may help you be the most productive you have ever been, in the least possible amount of time.

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Do It Tomorrow and Other Secrets of Time Management

By Mark Forster

British author, Mark Forster, spent years interviewing thousands of people and eliciting important advice at the many seminars he would attend. The result is this book – which contains ideas some readers have deemed ‘radical’, since it includes ideas such as closed lists (lists which contain finite tasks – nothing should be able to be added to these lists), the mañana principle (making two ‘to do’ lists – one for today, one for tomorrow) and creating a master list in which tasks are classified as either new, recurring, unfinished, and old.

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Master lists are useful because they helps us identify tasks we can weed out, tasks we should group together, and excessive volumes of work. It is important to ensure that teams are not being overburdened from many perspectives, including the issue of work risks and liability prevention , since over-stressing teams can result in everything from accidents to stress, burnout and other conditions that can seriously hamper a business.

Organize Tomorrow Today: 8 Ways to Retrain Your Mind to Optimize Performance at Work and in Life

By Jason Selk and Tom Bartow

Author Jason Selk was director of mental training for the St. Louis Cardinals at one point in his career and is often credited for having helped the team achieved three division titles and two World Series Championships. Tom Bartow is a business coach who is also a sports lover, having coached college basketball in the past.

In Organize Tomorrow Today, the authors share vital information gleaned from working alongside great achievers. They espouse the idea that ‘multi-tasking’ is a myth . The human being really cannot process over three things at once, so we should focus on one thing at a time if we want the results to be excellent. Quantity over quality is key and this book will help learn how to prioritize tasks and forego perfection in favor of small yet steady improvements.

Declutter Your Mind: How to Stop Worrying, Relieve Anxiety, and Eliminate Negative Thinking

By S.J. Scott Barrie Davenport

This book focuses on the psychological aspects of time management, showing how negative thoughts and patterns of worry can hijack your mind, produce anxiety, and interfere with your ability to perform tasks efficiently.

By learning important mindfulness techniques, you can become more productive and fulfill your goals in a more meaningful manner.

Messy: The Power of Disorder to Transform Our Lives

By Tim Harford

This one is for the innate Dennis the Menace among our readers – those who find neatness an unattainable goal. Give in to chaos instead of fighting it says author, Tim Harford, since messiness can lead us into a different, more creative frame of mind.

He highlights many famous artists and leaders who produced great things within a disordered ambience, including jazz genius Keith Jarrett, who gave audiences his most memorable performance on a piano which was intended for rehearsals and which was in such bad condition it required several hours of tuning and adjusting to make it sound ‘somewhat’ like a properly tuned piano.

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Small Habits Revolution: 10 Steps To Transforming Your Life Through The Power Of Mini Habits!

By Damon Zahariades

Imagine if adopting just 10 small habits could change your life in a big way; this is exactly the idea behind this fascinating new book, which provides a small list of ‘mini habits’ which have been proven to bring excellent results, including better health, increased self-confidence, better productivity, strengthened relationships and a lifestyle with greater quality.


Over To You

What’s your favourite productivity book? Let us know your picks in the comments

About The Author
Ann is a 30-year-old mother of two who specialises in all things to do with health. She spent a decade working in human resources in the health sector before dedicating herself full-time to writing.
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