February 11, 2025

Weekly Round-Up #238: Social Media, Handling Negative Feedback And Inspirational Quotes


This week we look at the history of social media, how you can handle negative comments and work and some inspirational quotes and prints that will brighten up your workspace and help improve your productivity and motivation.

Weekly Round-Up #238: Social Media, Handling Negative Feedback And Inspirational Quotes
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Welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope you’ve had a fun and productive week. This week we look at the history of social media, how you can handle negative comments and work and some inspirational quotes and prints that will brighten up your workspace and help improve your productivity and motivation.

History Of Social Media (It’s Younger Than You Think) – BroadbandSearch.net

Social media has become such an important part of our lives that it’s easy to think it has always been there. However, knowing that social media can’t exist without the internet, some simple math should tell us social media can’t be more than 30 years old (the internet started becoming mainstream in the early 1990s). However, believe it or not, social media is even younger than that. In fact, it wasn’t until the late 1990s that it really became popular however it took even longer, until around 2005, for it to become the social and cultural institution it is today.

Eat, Sleep, Work, Repeat: Which Countries Work The Longest Hours?

In the UK, the average working week consists of 36 hours, and whilst that may seem like a lot when counting down to the weekend, have you ever wondered how it compares to other countries? You may have it easier than you thought!

The Value Of Tech To British Holidaymakers – Travelsim

Holidays should be a time to switch off and unwind but new research from TravelSim reveals that UK holidaymakers are spending over 32 hours a week on their phones and tablets while on holiday and many of us are spending our hard-earned holiday time stressing about work.

How To Handle Negative Feedback (Without Taking It Personally) – CashNetUSA Blog

No matter how well you do at your job, receiving negative feedback from time to time is inevitable. That’s why CashNetUSA has created this guide with actionable tips to help you focus on the feedback and not on the negatives.

Sure Oak’s Free Seo Tools: The Best Online Seo Tools For Google – Sure Oak SEO

Sure Oak offers a variety of free and effective SEO tools that everyone will want to use. Whether you want to check your domain authority or SEO score, there’s a tool to help you improve your website.

14 Things You Should Never Say In A Job Interview (And What To Say Instead)

No matter how much you prepare for a job interview, there are certain things you should never say to the interview panel. Phrases like “I’ll do whatever!” or “I’m a fast learner” can raise immediate red flags, even if you had the best intentions while saying them. Here are 14 things you should never say in a job interview (and what to say instead).

Internet Safety For Teens, Kids, And Students – Best VPN Zone 2019

The functionality and convenience of today’s Internet are truly staggering. At the same time, it can be an immensely dangerous area for children, students, and even non-tech-savvy adults. Children of all ages spend considerable time surfing the Internet, it’s therefore vital that both parents and teachers are forewarned about dangers that lurk online. As importantly, they must be taught how to avoid them.

25 Best Online Jobs: Work Online From Home – OnlineMoneyPage

If you set out to find an online job that pays you well, you will quickly find at least ten good choices and five scams. In this article, you will learn a lot about real online employment opportunities and how can you get started with any of them.

Artificial Intelligence Vs Machine Learning Vs Deep Learning – RingCentral

There are so many different phrases associated with Artificial Intelligence that some terms often end up blending. For instance, in specific circle, terms like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning may even be used interchangeably. However, while these concepts are all connected, they’re not the same thing.

52 Inspirational Words And Quotes To Create A Better Mindset + Floral Printables – ProFlowers Blog

Positive words have the ability to increase self-compassion, improve your mood, and reduce anxiety. These quotes and Floral Printables will be perfect as wall art for home and work, or as a gift for a friend in need of a little inspiration!

Essential Household Items For Your New Apartment – Urban

We all know that the process of moving homes can be overwhelming, knowing what to pack etc. So Urban.com.au decided to come up with this list of essential household items everyone needs for their new home or apartment.”

Brain Power Blog – The Brain Power Blog

If you’re interested in improving your relationship with your brain then the brain blog is for you. With tips, tricks and interesting pieces on the science of our brains it’ll help you understand yours better.”

The Unofficial Gaming Music Charts – Liberty Games

Video game music can evoke feelings of excitement and great nostalgia, as well as being an annoyingly catchy soundtrack to the virtual battles you’re taking part in. To see which are the most popular, Liberty Games took to Spotify to see which are the most streamed video game songs.

Prepare Your Business For The Rugby World Cup 2019 – Howells Legal

The Rugby world cup is in full swing and with the timezone differences it
may cause a few issues for your employees. These mid-morning games mean there will be a clash for rugby fans who will be at work on those days. Therefore, it is important that you, the employer, are prepared for the Rugby World Cup and are aware of the work-related issues which could crop-up during the tournament.

My Green Kitchen: The Ultimate Guide To An Eco-Friendly Kitchen – Custom Earth Promos

The kitchen is one of the most important rooms in any home. It’s often the beating heart of a household, where people eat, socialize, relax, and congregate. With such a vital role, it should come as no surprise that your choices, knowingly or not, can have an environmental impact.

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next week, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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