February 17, 2025
Weekly Round-Up #311 – Phones, Plagiarism And Positivity

Weekly Round-Up #311 – Phones, Plagiarism And Positivity


This week we take a look at how you can get over your fear of the phone, how to find (and avoid) plagiarised content and 100 positive affirmations students can use to keep motivated during their time at school or colleg

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Welcome to this week’s round-up, I hope you have had a fun and productive week.

This week we take a look at how you can get over your fear of the phone, how to find (and avoid) plagiarised content and 100 positive affirmations students can use to keep motivated during their time at school or college.

Scared Of The Phone? Here’s How To Overcome That Fear – BBC Work Life

I hate the telephone. HATE IT. I hate it to a point that I have removed the dialler app off the home screen on my phone, all calls go to voicemail (not that anyone calls me as they know I won’t answer) and if I need to contact someone I’ll see if I can do it over email and if I can’t I’ll find someone who is okay with that.

While the advent of email, social media apps and messaging services (think WhatsApp, Discord Slack etc.) mean that we can communicate with each other without a phone, there are some situations we will need to use them.

So, how can you get over this fear? BBC Work Life gives you some great actionable tips to get you picking up that receiver again.

Ultimate Plagiarism Guide – How To Detect And Prevent It – Uprinting

Plagiarism is a high-level risk for students, academics, and professionals. There’s a temptation to just cut and past some content from an article you found on the internet because no one will know, right?

But they will. Not only is plagiarism stealing someone’s work, you’re not putting the work in yourself to show that you have understood a subject.

Because of plagiarism, people have been kicked out of college or even lost jobs as they’ve put their company at risk of being sued.

So how can you check for plagiarism if you’re writing (or receiving) a document and how you can avoid committing plagiarism in the first place? Uprinting has you covered.

100 Positive Affirmations For Students – Gratitude – The Life Blog

Affirmations can help you motivate yourself to get your day off to a positive start, they can help build your confidence and help you deal with a bad situation or failure.

But what are they and how can you apply them to your life if you’re a student? The Life Blog gives you 100 affirmations you can use in your day-to-day life to give you a head start.

How To Unclog A Drain Naturally – Roto-Rooter Plumbing & Water Cleanup

I try and use chemicals as a last resort – especially if they’re going to go back into the water supply in some way. So instead of reaching for the drain unblocker, take a look at this tip from Roto-Rooter – I’ve tried it and it does work (unless you have a really, really stubborn blockage), plus it’s really cheap too!

Sell Your Books And Sell Back Textbooks At – SellBackYourBook.com

Buying textbooks is expensive, and while there are some digital versions a lot of the more academic subjects require you to buy a physical book for your course.

But what do you do 6 months later when you’ve finished using it? Leave it as an expensive paperweight? Put a note on a bulletin board at school and hope someone sees it? Or maybe you use an online service – so check our SellBackYourBook.com who will give you a fast and free quote. You can accept the quote or use that price so you know whether you’re selling your book to your mate for an appropriate price (shhh, I didn’t tell you that!)

SEO KPIs – Advanced Web Ranking

Do you keep hearing the word KPI being thrown at you but you don’t know what they are? Not sure how KPIs can impact or grow your business or why you even need them in the first place?

Advanced Web Ranking has a great article on what KPIs are, the different types of KPIs and which ones you need to track (and why).

Hobbies For Women Over 50 – SixtyAndMe

Just because you’re getting a little bit older doesn’t mean that you have to just sit in a corner and knit, although if that’s what you enjoy then yay for you!

Hobbies are a great way to unwind and relax, learn a new skill and challenge your brain, or meet new like-minded people.

When your kids have left home and you’re not running around after them you may find you have time on your hands that you don’t know what to do with. So if you’re wondering what type of hobbies you can take up then check out this great article from SixtyAndMe – and you don’t have to be over fifty, they apply to all ages so don’t let the title fool you.

Temperature, Cost, Carbon Footprint: Three Things You Want To Keep Low This Summer – Porch

While we may be moving toward Autumn (or “fall” if you’re North-American I guess) then you might think this article isn’t relevant but people in the Southern Hemisphere will now be entering their summer month plus, with climate change, temperatures are rising and summers are lasting longer and longer.

In this article, Porch looks at what you can do to keep you home cool while being mindful of the cost to the climate (and your wallet).

Have A Great Week

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next time, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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