February 17, 2025
Weekly Round-Up #299: Are You Drinking Too Much Coffee? Overworked & Underpaid And A Comfy Home Office

Weekly Round-Up #299: Are You Drinking Too Much Coffee? Overworked & Underpaid And A Comfy Home Office


This week we take a look at whether you might be drinking too much coffee and what to look out for, the psychology of being overworked and underpaid and the effects it has on you and how you can make a lovely ergonomic home office

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Welcome to this week’s round-up. This week we take a look at whether you might be drinking too much coffee and what to look out for, the psychology of being overworked and underpaid and the effects it has on you and how you can make a lovely ergonomic home office.

Web Application Development: The Ultimate Guide – Riseup Labs

Web applications are a fundamental segment of business in this day and age. By utilizing web applications, organizations would now be able to create and get less complicated and accomplish their goals a lot quicker. These applications can help focus on various demographics and clients one after another.

Web apps are critical in the branding process of any industry and sector. It is simpler to keep up an appropriate connecting channel between possible clients and the business association with their assistance. It helps to market product knowledge. The chances of selling services or products also increase. Simultaneously, the popularity of the association gets supported, and lead generation improves.

Rise Up have put together the The Ultimate Guide to Web Application Development which will help you to know all possible details regarding the topic step by step.

How Much Coffee Is Too Much? If You Feel This, Stop! – Coffee Finesse

Drinking coffee is the primary way most of us get our caffeine fix for the day. It’s delicious and has a lot of benefits. This begs the question: How much coffee is too much? Caffeine IS a drug afterall. Most health experts agree that most adults should not exceed 400mg of caffeine per day. In this article, Coffee Finesse shares the findings on this research, which is based on health experts and websites. You’ll learn the benefits and negatives of drinking coffee, as well as tips on how to cut down.

13 Things You Need To Know About Reverse Osmosis Systems – Waterdrop

The effects of contaminants in domestic water are well documented. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that “Contaminants in our water can lead to health issues, including gastrointestinal illness, reproductive problems, and neurological disorders.” Adding, “Infants, young children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems may be at increased risk for becoming sick after drinking contaminated water.”

Crucial as it may be, clean water is not guaranteed for many people. For instance, the World Health Organization reports that “Contaminated drinking water is estimated to cause 485,000 diarrhoeal deaths each year.”

Although governments and local authorities want us to believe that the water flowing out of our taps is clean, there is no way for a layman to tell if this is indeed the case. This is the reason many people turn to reverse osmosis (RO) for peace of mind.
This article answers some frequently asked questions about reverse osmosis.

Home Office Decor – 15 Ideas To Inspire Productivity – Land Of Rugs

With the Coronavirus Pandemic raging throughout the world, and still doing so today, more people are spending time working from home. Whether they are working from home full-time or part time, the reality is that they still need a dedicated space to work when they are at home. And after spending hours working from home, people have made countless changes to to their home offices with the aim of inspiring productivity.

In this article, Land Of Rugs takes you through 15 different ideas related to home office decor that you can make to your home, providing the style and space suits of course, to ensure you are as productive as possible when working from home. These ideas will go through into different categories, from design changes you can make all the way to essential products you need!

Let’s Start Volunteering As Older Women – Sixty and Me

Are you finding yourself with more time on your hands? Have you retired and are looking for things to do with your days? There are many ways we can occupy ourselves as we get older. We can start new hobbies, we can travel, and we can spend time with friends and family.

Seniors have more time to spare and have valuable experiences and knowledge that can be put to good use. Every year, millions of seniors over 55 in the US volunteer with various organizations, local community services, or even abroad. Volunteering has proven to be beneficial for seniors who tend to become less active socially and physically as they age. We all know that keeping our minds and bodies active keeps us healthier longer. So with that in mind, take a look at this article from Sixty and Me which looks at the benefits of volunteering and how you can go about it.

The Psychology Of Being Overworked And Underpaid – Lexington Law

A competitive salary is something we all strive for in our careers, but for some, the salary we know we deserve doesn’t necessarily match our reality. An employee may put in extra hours, take on more responsibilities and go the extra mile, but they still may not be properly compensated for their work.

Being overworked and underpaid isn’t as uncommon as we think. According to a poll conducted by Gallup, 43 percent of U.S. workers believe they are underpaid.

Unfortunately, this can have a negative impact on a person’s productivity, mental health and even credit health. So, what can you do if you feel you’re not being fairly paid at work? This article from Lexingon Law covers the impacts of not being fairly compensated for the work that you’re doing.

81 Mobile Marketing Statistics – WebsiteSetup

Mobile marketing consists of reaching consumers on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, usually as part of an omnichannel marketing campaign. So how exactly is mobile marketing changing and how can you, as a business owner or marketer, take advantage of it in 2021? In this guide, WebsiteSetup dissect the most important mobile marketing statistics, facts, figures, and trends to boost your mobile marketing efforts this year.

Publisher? Leverage The Power Of A Premium New Service – CodeFuel

In this artcle CodeFuel looks at the new Digital Marketing Trends. They cover everything from Advertising and social media trends to SEO, AI and more.

Why You Need A Standing Desk Converter – Flexispot

No matter how hard we try to avoid it, working for long hours will remain the status quo. The location may change, and the hours might be more flexible. However, the need to sit at a desk for four to eight hours at a stretch will remain. It’s one of the downsides to earning a living.

While most take pride in “working their fingers to the bone,” sitting for long hours can have a damaging effect on the body and the mind. Long stretches of sitting are also a major reason why 9-5’ers suffer back pain and spine-related aches. This is especially the case when such a person lacks ergonomic furniture. This piece will guide you in finding the most suitable desk converters. As a plus, it suggests the best standing desk converters you can find anywhere in 2022.

How To Deal With Work Stress – Lifehacker

Think about the last time you had an awkward interaction, or made a small mistake at work. What was your reaction? Did you obsess about it? Does your mood depend on how work is going? It’s normal to feel some stress about work and careers but it’s time to take a deep breath and care less.

Ok, easier said than done. There’s not just a switch you can flip to magically become less stressed out. But there are some easy things you can do to put less pressure on yourself and LifeHacker has a round up of some top tips to help ease your work-related stress.

10 Important Soft Skills – WikiJob

Soft skills are sometimes referred to as transferable skills or professional skills.

As this term implies, these are skills that are less specialised, less rooted in specific vocations and more aligned with the general disposition and personality of a candidate. Soft skills are the difference between adequate candidates and ideal candidates and in most competitive job markets, recruitment criteria are not limited to technical ability and specialist knowledge.

In this article WikiJob looks at what soft skills are, why they are important and what soft skills you should consider working on in preparation for your next job interview.

The Guide To Ecommerce Fulfilment – RingCentral UK Blog

2-day shipping is the new normal. Thanks to the likes of Amazon Prime and eBay, customer expectations are at an all-time high, especially when it comes to ordering fulfilment. We’re living in the age of instant gratification, and eCommerce is no exception.

The bottom line is that order fulfilment impacts your bottom line. Brands that fail to compete get left behind. Fulfilling delivery demands at speed isn’t easy, but it lies at the core of modern customer expectations.

Some online retailers opt to outsource their order processing, warehousing, and delivery fulfilment responsibilities. They can then focus their efforts on customer acquisition and retention whilst still ensuring delivery expectations are met.

eCommerce fulfilment excellence is essential for business success. This article is a go-to guide for all things delivery fulfilment. We’ll start with the basics, before dissecting the ins and outs of fulfilment processes, services, and strategies.

It’s time for your eCommerce store to compete with the big players.

Nyse Exec Finishes Her To-Do List Using ‘1-3-5 Rule’ Of Productivity – Business Insider

If you often struggle to get through the items on your to-do list, you’d be wise to try a productivity hack from Betty Liu, the executive vice chairman of the New York Stock Exchange.

Liu told Business Insider that since January 1 she’s been following the “”1-3-5 rule”” to organize her day.

Under the 1-3-5 rule, every day you write down nine items to accomplish before the day is over: one big thing, three medium things, and five small things. Liu said she writes her list every morning on her train commute, though she said that ideally she would write them the night before.

The idea is that by narrowing your list to just nine items and assigning them a level of importance, you’ll have an easier time staying on track.

How To Start A Dropshipping Business – Website Builder Expert

Starting your own dropshipping business is an exciting – and pretty smart – decision to make for 2021. It’s estimated that there will be 2.14 billion digital buyers worldwide this year, so the customers are out there waiting.* But knowing where to get started, and the best way to set your business up for success, can be rather tricky.

Enter WebsiteBuilderExpert – they reached out to real-life dropshippers to bring you actionable advice at each stage of our end-to-end dropshipping guide. They’ve been where you are now, and have some words of wisdom to help you on your way.

Have A Great Week

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next time, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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