February 16, 2025
The Best Household Cleaning Apps [Infographic]

The Best Household Cleaning Apps [Infographic]


Cleaning is a really on trend niche at the moment. We have seen a massive rise in the popularity of cleaning-dedicated pages and influencers on social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram; these pages have masses of followers all over the world and it’s a trend that shows no signs of abating. Cleaning “hacks” are widespread and people now even use cleaning as a form of relaxation and even therapy!

The Best Household Cleaning Apps – Infographic
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Cleaning is a really on trend niche at the moment. We have seen a massive rise in the popularity of cleaning-dedicated pages and influencers on social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram; these pages have masses of followers all over the world and it’s a trend that shows no signs of abating. Cleaning “hacks” are widespread and people now even use cleaning as a form of relaxation and even therapy! Cleaning requires effort though, it doesn’t just happen of its own accord but there is immense satisfaction in taking on a cleaning project like washing windows/doors and seeing the end result of a gleaming window glinting in the sun!

The team at Senator Windows have put together this infographic below that outlines a number of apps that can help you in your mission for a cleaner home. The graphic breaks down these suggested apps with some reviews, the review score, the platforms they’re available on, the associated cost (if applicable) and also why you should download them. Check the full graphic out below to see what app suits you to help you keep a clean home!

The best household cleaning apps - infographic

Infographic by Senator Windows

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