Weekly Round-Up #173: Take A Road To Nowhere, Why Clutter Is Bad For You And How Emotionally Intellegent Are You?
This week we take a look at some fun trips you can take along the world’s longest roads, how clutter could be affecting your health more than you realise and the importance of Emotional Intellegence.

Welcome to this week’s round-up. This week we take a look at some fun trips you can take along the world’s longest roads, how clutter could be affecting your health more than you realise and the importance of Emotional Intellegence.
Closing The Gap: Boosting Productivity Through Application Unification – Ring Central
Appication Unification is the practice of bringing all of your data under one banner – did you know that most workers today are using 4 different communication apps? You’re wasting up to an hour a day switching between these apps. How many hours per employee a year is that? Frightening, isn’t it!
10 Striking Colour Palettes Of The World’s Most Beautiful Places – Expedia
If you’re looking for inspiration then these wonderful images will certainly give you something to think about! From the salt flats of Bolivia to the lavendar of Provence, there’s a colour pallette for everyone.
There’s Scientific Evidence That Clutter Causes Anxiety – Parenting Isn’t Easy
Are you feeling stressed? Then it may be the clutter in your home to blame. Recent research has shown that is makes us feel anxious and overwhelmed but we often attribute these feelings to other factors. Getting rid of the clutter can help you feel more at peace in your home environment and therefore you’ll be able to relax more. Not sure how to get rid of the mess? Check out the infographic linked below!
How To Design A Home That Will Make You Happier – CashNet USA
This infographic gives you some simple tips on how to make your home happier. With advice for each room of your house you’ll achieve inner peace in no time!
The Longest Roads In The World – CarRentals.com
If you fancy getting away from it all then how about taking a trip down some of the longest roads in the world? I’d love a trip down the Pan-American Highway but I’m not sure I fancy the Summit of Death in Costa Rica – sounds a bit frightening to me!
The Best Webinar Software For Marketers In 2017 – Zapier
Webinars are great for bringing people together remotely saving time and money. They allow you to showcase product features, interact with customers and co-workers and get instant feedback. With so many products available on the market, which one is best? In this article looks at 10 webinar providers for a variety of user numbers and uses – note that these are all paid-for applications so you’ll need to look elsewhere for a free solution.
13 Memory Tricks That’ll Make You Feel Like Less Of A Scatterbrain – Buzzfeed
Do you forget your keys or send emails to the wrong person? Then these handy tips from Buzzfeed will solve all of your problems! I’m not sure about leaving keys in the fridge though, I can’t imagine that would do your car key fob much good in the long run!
How Do You Perceive Your Emotional Intelligence? – Forbes
Emotional Intelligence is a big part of your personality and how you understand other people (it’s the main focus behind Stephen Covey’s 5th Habit Of Highly Effective People. If you’re looking for an explanation of what EQ is and how important it is then this Forbes article will give you a great background.
Have A Great Weekend
I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.
Until next week, Stay Productive!