7 Landscaping Ideas To Keep You Busy During Vacation
So, you’re on vacation and are looking to use your break time to do something productive? Let’s face it, as much as everyone needs some vacation time after working hard, being cooped up at home can become a little boring at times. Why not use your vacation to make a few changes around your home?

So, you’re on vacation and are looking to use your break time to do something productive? Let’s face it, as much as everyone needs some vacation time after working hard, being cooped up at home can become a little boring at times. Why not use your vacation to make a few changes around your home?
Doing some DIY landscaping projects around your house is an excellent way to keep occupied while also doing something to benefit your home. These kinds of projects are perfect for the type of person who enjoys working with their hands, plus you’ll have something to show for your work once they’re completed. Also, you can never start your landscaping projects if you don’t have proper earth moving equipment for excavation.
Here are seven landscaping ideas for you to tackle during your vacation time at home.
1. Make A Pond
A pond is a great DIY landscaping project that you can take your time with. Furthermore, you can incorporate a pond into other landscaping DIY’s.
You can make a pond as small or as big as you want and decorate it as you please. Making the hole can be easier with the help of some earthmoving equipment. Do your research, be sure to install a pump to keep the water moving, add some rocks, line the ground, and enjoy your pond. If you’re feeling particularly colorful, consider making it a koi pond!
2. Start A Herb And/Or Vegetable Garden
How many landscaping ideas would be more fulfilling than growing your food? Probably not many.
A garden that grows herbs and vegetables is undoubtedly one of the best ways to turn your timid backyard area around. These types of gardens can be made to fit into just about any backyard. They can be raised, on the ground, hanging against walls, or even hanging along a wall. You could create a herb garden on the balcony of an apartment if you wanted to.
What you grow will depend on your personal preference and what your climate allows, but don’t be afraid to experiment. Some herbs (like dill) and vegetables (like radishes) grow quickly, and you could be eating from your harvest within a month or two.
3. Lay Down A Path
Laying down a path or walkway adds character and helps out on rainy days when the grass is wet and mushy. It’s also a quick project that you can do by yourself within a day. All you need is something to dig with and something to make your walkway.
Brick, wooden slabs, and stone are all great choices. Dig a shallow path into the ground, lay your material down in whichever configuration you like, and that’s it. You may want to decorate the edges with rocks, stones, or even flowers.
4. Make Your Mulch
Mulch helps retain the moisture and fertility of the soil. It’s also a solution to prevent soil erosion. Making your mulch can save you money on your garden, and this DIY can be used in your other DIYs. Use it in your herb and veggie garden, around the slabs in your new walkway, or for the other landscaping ideas that you’ll read about in a few moments.
5. Spruce Things Up With Some Flowers
So, you’ve now got all this excess mulch; it’s time to put it to good use with a pretty flower bed. Most local gardening stores will offer a selection of flower seeds that are easy to grow and maintain. The package will usually give you planting and maintenance instructions. Pick a spot, clear it out, throw down good outdoor soil, and plant your seeds. You’ll soon have a pretty patch of little colorful flowers.
6. DIY A Decorative Water Fountain
Water fountains provide an aesthetically pleasant and relaxing effect in any environment. Making a water fountain also happens to make for an excellent at-home project, and leaves you with something cool to show your friends. Maybe consider incorporating a water fountain into that pond you made earlier.
7. Create A Rock Garden
With most of the things on this list being projects that require some level of maintenance, there needs to be something for those who want an easy and attractive landscaping idea. If you want something that will rarely need attention and can’t die if it’s left alone, look no further than a rock garden.
This is about as ‘set it and forget it as it gets. Clear a space, spread out various stones, and you’re done. Periodically spray some weedkiller and you’ll never need to worry about weeds taking over the space.
Landscaping around your home is one of the best ways to be productive during vacation. The ideas listed here are great starting points but are still far from the complete list of possibilities. Remember, before you start digging holes, ensure that you’ve properly researched and prepared for your project. Try to gather any tools or materials you’ll need before you get started. Finally, it’ll be worth your time to set up pest prevention measures. Have fun landscaping!