February 10, 2025

How To Optimize Your Morning Commute


Commuting to work can take up a significant portion of your day, time that could be spent doing something more productive and mindful. If you spend your commute shouting at opposing traffic and suffocating on public transport, the chances are this is harming your mood for the day. Cut the negativity out, and instead consider opting for your morning commute for an energised, positive day.

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The commute to work is the bane of many of our lives. Hours upon hours spent trying to get to our places of employment, all to experience the same panicked rush on the journey home.

Commuting to work can take up a significant portion of your day, time that could be spent doing something more productive and mindful. If you spend your commute shouting at opposing traffic and suffocating on public transport, the chances are this is harming your mood for the day.

Cut the negativity out, and instead consider opting for your morning commute for an energised, positive day.

Whilst avoiding the commute together and working from home may be a viable option for you, for others it is non-negotiable. In this case, making the most out of this time is crucial to improve overall productivity and wellness. Take a look at our actionable suggestions for optimising your commute to work:

Get To Work Early

First things first, if you want to avoid the panic, push and shoving that is common during rush hour, make an effort to get to work at least an hour earlier. That means if you would usually start work at 9 am, get into the office at 8 am to avoid the floods of people also trying to reach the city centre car parks.

Starting earlier avoids the stress of traffic, and crowds of people, and it can also save the costs of your commute travelling through off-peak times. As long as your employer allows this, also ask to leave an hour earlier due to your earlier starting working day. You will avoid the levels of traffic that are typical for the journey home too, what more could you want!

Walk To Work When Possible

If you live within walking distance of your place of work, you should be walking instead of taking vehicle transport to work. Not only will this invite more oxygen into your system, and get your blood pumping at the start of the day, but you will also completely cut out your transport costs!

This is also a good time to think about the day and align your mindset with positivity. If you do need to get to work using transport, why not get off an extra stop sooner to get your steps in before you reach the office? Open up your mind and airways, and start walking more before reaching the office.

Listen To Audiobooks Whilst Commuting

What better time to intake knowledge than on your commute to work? Whilst you may not be able to sit down and read a whole book due to the constant moving, you can put some earphones in and listen to audiobooks. There are tons of audiobooks available for all of your likes and interests.

If you are looking to improve your mental health, there are great books such as “Why Has No One Ever Told Me This Before?” and “Good Vibes Good Life” that we would recommend. Although it might be tempting to listen to something to aid your work, it would be a good idea to listen to something different to detach your commute from the stress associated with work.

Sit In A Coffee Shop And Plan

The best way to romanticise your morning commute is to spend some time taking everything in. There is no better place to watch the world go by than in a coffee shop. Leave enough time in your morning commute to stop by a coffee shop and grab your favourite coffee. This will also be a good time to structure your day and make sure you are not overloading your work.

Bottom Line

Overall, making the most out of your morning commute is easily done, all with a few habit changes. Make sure you get to work early to avoid the morning fluster, walk to work when possible, listen to helpful audiobooks to stop the scrolling, and also leave time to sit and plan out the rest of your day.

About The Author
Amy Jones is a freelance writer specialising in investment tips and current financial market affairs. She enjoys documenting her experiences and relevant changes in the economic and digital word that will benefit her readers in their own lives.
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