February 18, 2025

From Being To Well-Being: How Tech Got Involved In Mental Health


When you think about mental health, you may not necessarily think about how technology could assist in improving it. Mental health treatments are naturally associated with therapy, where you meet someone face-to-face and have the opportunity to talk about your potential problems. But nowadays, you will find that technology does play a significant role in helping people improve their outlook on themselves and their lives. This article will discuss exactly how technology has managed to work alongside mental health treatments to improve the lives of so many people.

From Being To Well-Being: How Tech Got Involved In Mental Health
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When you think about mental health, you may not necessarily think about how technology could assist in improving it. Mental health treatments are naturally associated with therapy, where you meet someone face-to-face and have the opportunity to talk about your potential problems. But nowadays, you will find that technology does play a significant role in helping people improve their outlook on themselves and their lives. This article will discuss exactly how technology has managed to work alongside mental health treatments to improve the lives of so many people.

Apps are Endless

The World Health Organisation has stated that mental health issues are problem for hundreds of millions of people around the world. With over 300 million people suffering from depression and 260 million people suffering from anxiety disorders, it is good to know that a similar amount of mental health mobile applications exists to combat this. There are applications, like Headspace, that encourage meditation to free the mind from unwanted thoughts, others that are designed for tracking symptoms and moods of specific illnesses and others that even put people in contact with trained therapists that allow them to text them if they are feeling anxious, depressed or are having withdrawal symptoms from drugs or alcohol.

If you can think of a mental health application then you will most likely find it in a mobile format. They are extremely useful for those who are looking for fast assistance or a scholarly mind to discuss their symptoms with. Just make sure that you do your research into the best apps before you download them.

Mobile Counselling

Take one look at the latest generation of millennials and you will find that they have one thing in common: they are addicted to their phones. Whilst you may think that this is a bad thing, in terms of accessing mental health technology, it can be a good thing. Many workers are looking for a way to have their voices heard by their employer, especially if they are going through a period of intense stress or depression. They may not have the confidence to speak to them directly, but if the employer hires an outside company to create a well-being strategy, these strategies usually entail employees being able to discuss their problems on the phone with someone who can speak to the employers. Take, for instance, the Employee Assistance Programme from LifeWorks. Not only do they offer an eBook of strategies for employers to consult but they deliver telephone /mobile and face-to-face counselling so that businesses can develop a personalised system to ensure the mental health of their employees.

Digital Mental Health

Whilst it is never a good idea to self-diagnose illnesses and problems on the internet, if you have been to the doctor and have had a mental health problem confirmed, online digital mental health services are there to help you. Public health services, like the NHS or Mind, have more information online for a reason. It is so that people can familiarise themselves with what they have been diagnosed with and learn to accept it as a part of themselves. This can give them closure. It can also allow them to express their feelings about their ailments in the form of guest blogs and posts.

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