February 10, 2025

35 Holiday Gifts For Freelancers Entrepreneurs And Productivity Lovers


If you’re wondering what to buy the freelancer, entrepreneur or productivity lover in your life this holiday season then the FlippingHeck.com 2017 gift guide is here to give you some wonderful tips on presents that everyone will love.

35 Holiday Gifts For Freelancers, Entrepreneurs And Productivity Lovers
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Whether your friend or loved one is onto bullet journaling, getting things done, the pomodoro technique, are a freelancer or are just getting started on their productivity journey there’s something for everyone in our Christmas 2017 Productivity Gift Guide.

The links aren’t in any particular order and we’ve tried to get something for everyone on this list but if there’s something you think we’ve missed then feel free to email us the link.

Please Note: This post contains affiliate links. You won’t be charged any extra for shopping through these links but I may receive a commission on any purchase you make – this goes towards helping run this website. The following products are suggestions only, other products are available and these have been chosen to give you an idea of items that are available.

Now, let’s help you find the perfect present for the productivity lover in your life.

1. Vancool 24 Pack Bullet Journal Stencil Set

If you have a friend who wants to try out bullet journaling but they worry, like me, that they’re not artistic enough then check out these great stencils that covers pretty much every element they’ll need to put in their journal

2. Lettering For Beginners: A Creative Lettering How To Guide

The art of writing seems to be disappearing with an increased reliance on technology so give the gift of handwriting with this book and pen set.

3. Staedtler 334 Triplus Fineliner Superfine Point Pens

Sticking with writing – I love these pens! They manage to make my handwriting super neat, which is no mean feat. There’s a great selection of colours as well so whoever you give these to will be set whatever they want to use them for.

4. Essentials Weekly Planner Stickers

Whether you use a bullet journal, Happy Planner or just a normal diary, brighten up your pages ane make important activities stand out with these great stickers

5. Travellers Notebook Insert

Travellers Notebook InsertIf your fried or loved one is a fan of planning but hates having to copy notes from book to book, or is worried about running out of room then they may be looking at using a Traveller’s Notebook. If that’s the case then you can’t go wrong with these great inserts from The Chelsea Paper Co.

I’ve not recommended a planner cover as that’s quite a personal choice but this is the Travellers Notebook Cover that I’m going to be using for 2018 along with the Chelsea Paper Co. Dot Grid inserts.


6. Clear Calendar Stamps

[amazon_link asins=’B010C7N2GE’ template=’ProductAd’ store=’flippinheckpr-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’2f0218fe-d69f-11e7-9fff-3b2ae3acb8e2′]

When setting up your planner for the next year, you might want to include a monthly calendar on your pages. Drawing these by hand can get repetitive and you run the risk of maing mistakes so that’s where these handy stamps come in.

7. Date Dot Stickers

Date Dot Stickers

If you don’t want to write out each of the days of the month, or perhaps you have an older planner and would like to use it but the dates on the days are incorrect, you can amend the dates with these colourful date dot cover stickers.

Update: These are no longer available


8. Meal Planning Stickers

Meal Planning Sticker

We’re all told to try an eat a healthy, balanced diet but sometimes it’s difficult to keep a track on what we’re eating – and whether we’re eating well enough. These meal planning stickers are perfect for you to stick in your planner so you can keep track of your meals and make sure you’re varying your diet and getting your five-a-day.

Disclosure: These are designed by me an sold through my Etsy store

Update: These are no longer available.


9. Hot-Disk Cup Warmer

When I really get into writing an article or doing some complex coding, I quite often forget about the coffee that’s sat by the side of the keyboard. If you know someone who loves a cup of tea or coffee but are forever complaining about it going cold then this is the perfect gift for them.

10. Daily Planner Appointment Book: Undated 52 Weeks

Whether they’re a blogger arranging interviews and publication dates or a freelancer managing a schedule, there’s some about having everything laid out on paper that they will appreciate.

11. Wooden Desk Organiser

Know someone that’s moaning about not having enough room on their desk? Or perhaps they’re always losing their pens? Then this great desk organiser will help keep all their stuff organised.

12. Wacom Intuos Art Pen and Touch Digital Tablet

Ideal for the casual artist or budding graphic designer, a tablet allows them the freedom to put their ideas onto their computer without the need to draw and scan them first.

13. Blue Light Blocking Glasses

If the person you’re buying a gift for is into working late at night then help them get a restful sleep with these blue light blocking glasses – perfect for late night computer and phone/tablet users.

14. 3 In One Laptop Bag With Lock

The perfect gift for those on the go. A laptop bag with portable charger holder, headphone socket and a lock to secure their tech is a must for the freeelancer or entrepreneur on the move.

15. Ecomoist Natural Screen Cleaner

Keep your computer or phone screen clean is a must, and this great kit will help get rid of dust and the most stubborn finger marks

16. Mini Computer Vacuum Cleaner

If you know someone who likes to snack at their desk, then this mini vacuum cleaner will help keep they keyboard crumb free.

17. Antimicrobial Washable Keyboard

If a mini vacuum cleaner won’t cut through the mess that your friend makes, then perhaps a keyboard that you can put through the dishwasher is a more suitable gift!

18. Moleskine Evernote Large Ruled Notebook

If your gift recipient is into paper planning but you think they should be moving into the digital world then how about a planner that lets them digitise their written pages?

19. Self-Adhesive Whiteboard Sticker

They can put a whiteboard anywhere with this whiteboard sticker paper – they’ll never forget an idea again as they can jot them down with ease.

20. Natico Decision Maker and Paper Weight

Know someone that struggles with making decisions? Then let their paperweight make all the tough choices for them!

21. Miniature Zen Garden Set

If someone is getting a bit stressed at work, help them relax with this minature Zen Garden set. I was going to include a bonsai tree but as I have managed to kill 3 of them I thought it best not to!

22. Amazon Echo

What better way to help someone increase their productivity than to get them a personal assistant? Whether they use it to set reminders or to play their productivity playlist, the Amazon Echo can help them get more stuff done.

23. Amazon Audible Subscription

It’s difficult to find the time to sit down and read, so give someone the freedom to listen to books on the daily commute – they have no excuse not to learn something new, or catch-up on all the books they’ve missed on on.

24. Waterproof Notepad For Shower

I don’t know about you buy my good ideas always seem to strike when I can’t write them down. Help out the whole family with this waterproof notepad – no one will have an excuse for forgetting that great shower idea again!

25. USB Power Charging Wallets

Know someone who’s always running out of battery on their phone as they’re using it constantly? The let the charge it on the go whilst carrying their cash and cards around in style too.

26. Philips Hue White Smart Bulb Starter Kit

Allow them to set the right type of lighting for the job their doing with some adjustable lightbulbs – they can even control them through Amazon echo so they don’t have to leave their seat when they’re “In the zone”.

27. Cocoon GRID-IT Organiser

I don’t know about you, but I have no idea how my cords and cables get tangles when no-one even goes near them. If you know someone that has to carry a lot of equipment around then help them out with a cable and gizmo organiser so they’ll never have to deal with tangles again.

28. Healthy Human Water Bottles

We’re being told to hydrate more so help someone get their daily water intake with a great bottle that magically keeps stuff hot or cold!

29. Mini Video Projector

If someone loves watching movies on their phone, or perhaps they have to do presentations out of their office then a mini-projector is just the portable bit of tech they need.

30. Portable Scanner

If they deal with a lot of documents, or love to write on paper then get the the gift of digial organisation with a portable scanner.

31. HP Sprocket Printer

If they love to take photos on their phone but love jounaling, then a portable photo printer is the ideal gift for allowing them to keep a physical reminder of their memories.

32. Getting Things Done: The Art Of Stress Free Productivity – David Allen

This is the book that sparked my journey into productivity. I highly recommend this for you, or anyone, looking to get into productivity but don’t know where to start.

33. Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up – Marie Kondo

Marie Kondo’s “The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up” caused quite a stir when it first came out. Give the gift of decluttering with her follow-up book “Spark Joy”.

34. The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich – Tim Ferriss

I’m still not 100% convinced that Tim Ferriss only works 4 hours a week, and I know that the system won’t work for most people. but the books certainly gave me a lot of ideas about streamlining my processes and paring down what I need to work on. So, if you know someone who is struggling with the amount of work they have on – maybe this book will help them simplify their work lives a little better.

35. How To Be A Productivity Ninja – Graham Allcott

This book is on my list of things to read in 2018, so if you know someone who is drowning in emails or never seems to be able to cross evertyhing off on their to-do list then perhaps they need to learn the ways of the Productivity Ninja.

Over To You

What are you looking forward to receiving this Holiday Season? Let us know in the comments

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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