Downloads Library
December 2017 Wallpaper [Quote By Josephine Dodge Daskam Bacon]
Featuring a quote from Josephine Dodge Daskam Bacon, this wallpaper is perfect to get you into the Christmas spirit at home or at work!...
May 2017 Motivational Wallpaper [Quote By Woody Allen]
Allan Stewart Konigsberg, better known as Woody Allen, was born in 1935 in Brooklyn, New York. Known as a director, writer, comedian, playwright and m...
April 2017 Motivational Wallpaper [Quote By Jim Ryuh]
This month's motivational wallpaper quote comes from Athlete and Republican Jim Ryun. I think this month's quote really encompassess our mot...
March 2017 Motivational Wallpaper [Quote By Robert Orben]
This month’s wallpaper quote comes from Robert Orben - we all know that time flies when we’re having fun but perhaps we need to take control of it...
February Motivational Wallpaper: Quote By Robert Staubach
This month's free wallpaper features a quote by American Footballer and businessman Robert Staubach which will help you focus on your journey through ...
January Motivational Wallpaper
This month's wallpaper comes with a motivational quote from Les Brown and teaches us to reach for our dreams rather than be held back by our fears....
December Motivational Wallpaper
This month's motivational wallpaper carries a seasonally themed quote from Janice Maeditere to get you in the Christmas Spirit!...
November Motivational Wallpaper [Quote By Thomas Jefferson]
This month's Free Motivational Wallpaper Download is all about how we need to make our own luck with a quote from Thomas Jefferson....
Free Download: October Motivational Wallpaper [Quote By Albert Einstein]
The free motivational wallpaper for October is a quote from Albert Einstein. Einstein may have been a genius but he was also keen on keeping it simple...
Free Download: September Motivational Wallpaper [Quote By Thomas Edison]
The free motivational wallpaper for September is a quote from Thomas Edison. We can learn a lot about productivity and motivation from Edison, and if ...
August 2016 Motivational Wallpaper – [Quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson]
This month's motivational wallpaper brings you a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson letting us know that if we think it, and believe it, it can and w...
July Motivational Wallpaper [Quote From Winston Churchill]
Your free motivational wallpaper for this month features a quote by Winston Churchill and reminds you that not everything you do will be a success but...
June Motivational Wallpaper [Quote By Sam Keen]
Your free motivational wallpaper for this month features a quote by Sam Keen and allows you permission to take some time off over the summer and enjoy...
April’s Motivational Wallpaper – Leo Tolstoy
Enjoy this month's free download available to all website users: April's wallpaper featuring a quote from Leo Tolstoy…...
February Wallpaper – Take A Leap
D.H Lawrence didn't only write about Sons & Lovers... or Chatterly. He had some decent motivational quotes in him too. See one of them in February...
January Wallpaper – Find Yourself [Quote By Cyril Cusak]
Hello! Here’s your free motivational wallpaper for January – I hope you find some solace and comfort in it:...
Monthly Motivational Wallpaper: Charles Dudley Warner
It's almost a new month and so it's time for our Free Monthly Motivational Wallpaper. This month it's a seasonally appropriate quote from Charles Dudl...
Monthly Motivational Wallpaper: Eleanor Roosevelt
Download this month's motivational wallpaper with an inspirational quote from Eleanor Roosevelt...