Working From Home – 6 Do’s And Don’ts To Stay Productive
If you work from home you probably think you’re being pretty productive – but are you being as productive as you could be? In this article we look at 3 “Dos” and 3 “Don’ts” of home office productivity that you should follow to ensure you can get stuff done.

When working from home, some people find it easy to stay productive. They seem to have found that winning formula that works for them and stick to it. Most of us, however, aren’t as lucky. Productivity doesn’t always come easy, but there are certain things you can avoid, and new changes you can make, to turn you into an efficiency machine!
DO – Make Sure You’ve Got An “Office”
One of the most common mistakes to make is to not give yourself a designated work space. Are you really going to be as productive as possible when you’re sat on your sofa? It’s not very likely. Choose a room in your home as your work space. Somewhere void of distractions is always a good place to start! Think spare bedrooms or unused storage rooms; it doesn’t have to be huge, just somewhere fairly quiet that you can dedicate your work to.
DON’T – Mix Work And Personal
You might be working at home, but that doesn’t mitigate the need for some boundaries when it comes to keeping home and work separate. That’s why you need an office, to get you into ‘work mode’.
If you’re constantly juggling work and personal throughout the day, things can become forgotten and productivity takes a massive hit. Keep to your schedule and plan out when it’s time for work, and when it’s time for personal. Keep your personal things such as bills, school letters and vacation planning separate from work. You can get to them when you’ve finished your work.
DO – Decorate And Make It Comfortable
No matter the size or location of your office, it’s important you make yourself as comfortable as possible. You can invest in a new chair, or even decorate with accessories and colours that will relax you. You’d be surprised how much difference a new lick of paint or decorative rug to cover your wood flooring can make. It’s all about being comfortable where you work, so you can focus entirely on getting things done.
DON’T – Let It Get Messy
When you’re having a particularly busy day, week or even month – as we all do – it’s easy to let this one slide. But before you know it, you’ll be swimming in excess papers and empty coffee mugs. Make a point to tidy your desk and the rest of the room, either daily or at the beginning of the week to get yourself off to a productive start. As always, though, cleaning up as you go is the best way to keep on top of it all. A tidy desk will keep you on task and stop you wasting valuable time searching for anything lost in the mess.
DO – Keep Distractions Away
Modern life is full of distractions. If you don’t do your upmost to avoid them, you’ll soon find yourself procrastinating and productivity will take a steep nose-dive. That means anything that isn’t required for the task you’re working on, needs to be put away. That especially goes for your mobile phone and tablet. If they’re not needed, move them out of sight to optimise your output.
DON’T – Forget To Take A Break
You can go too far the other way when you’re working at home. You try your hardest to avoid distractions, so you stay glued to your workstation all day. This is just as bad for you – if you don’t allow yourself a short break every now and then, the work you are doing is unlikely to be as good as it can be. Breaks give you the chance to clear your mind and give your eyes a break from the screen.
Everyone who works from home knows there are little tips & tricks to making sure you’re efficient in your work. It’s all about finding what works for you and running with it. What ideas have you picked up for your home office?