February 11, 2025
Weekly Round-Up #328: Working From Home, Home Desk Hacks & Avoid These College Mistakes

Weekly Round-Up #328: Working From Home, Home Desk Hacks & Avoid These College Mistakes


This week we look at some interesting stats regarding working from home (and why it probably should be the way forward), how you can get a dedicated desk in you home even if you have a lack of space, and some college mistakes freshmen need to avoid when they go to university later in the year.

A modern designed wooden desk, with pine shelves behind and plants to either side
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Hello! How are you? I hope you have had a fun and productive week.

This week we look at some interesting stats regarding working from home (and why it probably should be the way forward), how you can get a dedicated desk in you home even if you have a lack of space, and some college mistakes freshmen need to avoid when they go to university later in the year.

Key Telecommuting and Work From Home Statistics – Tech.co

So we all know that some companies have completley embraced working from home. They recognise the flexibility it gives staff, that staff are happier not having to commute and they can save million on not having to pay for a physical office location.

But, of course, there are some business owners who are determined to get their workers back into an office (ahem Elon ahem) no matter what’s going on in the world.

So what’s the best option? Well Tech.co has some really interesting stats that might change even Elon’s mind – well, we can only hope, right?

Desk Ideas For Small Spaces – Angi

If you’re lucky enough to be allowed to work from home then yeay! But unfortunately some of us – even after almost three years of a pandemic – might still not have the best workspace.

It’s important to have a dedicated workspace so that you can not only keep your work at hand and not move it from the table when dinner is ready to being able to separate your work and home life properly.

But what happens if you don’t have a lot of space? Well Angi has you covered from using a closet to floating desks there’ll be an idea for any space and budget.

40 College Freshmen Mistakes to Avoid & How to Do That – Study Corgi

Your first year at university/college can be a daunting adventure. For most of us it will be our first experience of spending an extended amount of time from home. We’re managing our own money for the first time, figuring out what meals to cook and trying to make new friends.

With that in mind there are some mistakes that you can easily avoid making if you’re aware of them in the first place. From time management and extracurricular activities to academic mistakes, Study Corgi covers things that you need to be aware of before you head to college later in the year.

Stream TV Online: Best Cable-Free Service For Your Favorite TV Shows & Budget – HotDog.com

We’re all trying to save money, and a lot of us are tied into cable/satellite/streaming packages that over overly expensive.

Sometimes there are combination packages on other services that can offer better value for you but their offerings can be quite confusing.

HotDog.com have put together a super-handy chart that compares streaming progamming providers and breaks down what you get, what you’ll have to pay extra for and even how much time you get to record your programs.

Safest Countries To Live In The World Index – Where Can I Live

I don’t know about you but the state of my country (England) at the moment has me dreaming of moving elsewhere to somewhere happier and healthier, but the question is where? You don’t want to trade one bad place for another.

Where Can I Live has broken down the “safest” countries world wide and then by continent based on violence, crime rates, healthcare, societal stability, and natural disasters.

So if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to Iceland (even if it does have a lot of volcanoes).

25 Transferable Skills Employers Look For in 2023 – Wikijob

You might think that working in retail might not be relevant for an office job, or that answering helpdesk calls will be irrelevant when becoming a mechanic but that’s not the case!

In every job we learn unique skills – from dealing with problem customers, prioritising tasks and ordering goods to keeping areas tidy, these are all skills that can me made useful in a wide variety of job roles.

WikiJob has comprised a list of 25 skills that are transferable amongst many industries so if you’re looking to reformat your CV (or “resume”) then make sure you add some of these must-have skills in there as well.

Video Optimization Guide: SEO Ranking – Website Builder Expert

If you go near the internet (and you’re reading this online so I assume you do), then you’ll be aware of how important video is as a marketing strategy, but how do you get your video in front of the right people and push it (hopefully) to the front of the almighty algorithms?

Website Builder Expert has a list of consideration you need to make that will help your videos – whether long or short form – to reach the biggest audience they can.

My advice is to add captions – both native and on screen where appropriate. I’ve noticed that videos with on screen captions do massively better than those without.

Is Cybersecurity a Good Career? – UC Denver

It seems that a day doesn’t go by without a new data breach being announced. In the past two weeks I’ve been notified of multiple platforms I have accounts on having experienced data breaches (I’m looking at you Twitter and Deezer).

So, if that’s not a good enough reason for you to study cybersecurity then the University of Colorado Denver has some points that might persuade you to make a career change.

The Principles of Evidence-Based Investing – Aura Wealth

While we don’t technically give financial advice here on FlippingHeck.com, we do cover some aspects of finance and that’s where this infographic comes in.

Rather than playing the stock market and just guessing what will happen, evidence-based investing relies on factors that you can control such as costs of investments, where you can invest etc. and then uses that to help you make smarter investments.

How To Start A Blog and Make Money Like a Pro – Ecommerce CEO

Firstly I’m going to say that running a blog is no easy business – believe me, I should know! But saying that if you’re looking to diversify your earnings, maybe make some money on the side from a fun interest you have or you want to monetise an existing blog then Ecommerce CEO has some great tips for you – just don’t compete with me, okay?

Have A Great Week

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next time, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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