February 12, 2025

Weekly Round-Up #83: What Your Toilet Roll Says About You, Email Etiquette and Top Google Hacks


This week’s round-up looks at 15 clutter busting techniques you need to use over the summer holidays, how to spot a bad boss and awkward things that happen in offices.

Weekly Round-Up #83: What Your Toilet Roll Says About You, Email Etiquette and Top Google Hacks
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Google Search Hacks – Searchy

This massive list has a huge range of searches you can make on Google.You can look for more that cat videos (but who looks for anything else, right?) – did you know that you can roll a dice from the search page? Yazee!

How to Stay Focused When You Feel Like Giving Up – Entrepreneur

Sometimes when we feel like we’re not making any progress we may want to just give up and through in the towel. This is a waste of all of the hard work and energy you’ve used just getting to this point and this article helps you regain your focus so you can carry on and finish the job at hand.

How to Spot a Bad Boss During Your Interview – Glassdoor

At some point during the hiring process, if the company is running their recruitment the right way you’ll meet your prospective boss. It’s important to know that they are someone that you can work with and instils confidence in you – the last thing you want is to be working for someone like David Brent (or Michael Scott if you’re in the US).

Hat Tip: Lifehacker

15 Clutter Busting Routines For Any Family – Becoming Minimalist

The school summer holidays have just started here in the U.K and that means having the kids around the house a lot more. It also means that they (and you) have a lot more time to mess up the house. This post looks at how you can keep the clutter to a minimum and retain some semblance of order at home.

How to make your habits stickier by 137% – Asian Efficiency

I’m not sure where the figure of 137% comes from – it seems rather specific. I’m sure if you sign up for the Ritual’s course that Asian Efficiency are running they’ll let you know but in the mean time watch the short video to get a simple tip on holding yourself accountable and making your habits more likely to stick.

How to Instantly Calm Yourself in Stressful Situations – Tiny Buddha

We all have to deal with stressful situations whether it be issues at work or having to make a best man’s speech. The important thing to remember is that you can control your response to these situations and you can calm yourself with a few easy to perform techniques.

Want To Become A Winner? Use The DUMB Goals System – Time Management Chef

SMART goals were all the rage at one point, now it appears we need to be taking the DUMB approach to goal setting instead!

Women Need More Sleep Because Their Brains Work Harder, Study Finds – Lifehack

Yes! I finally have an excuse for all of the times I hit the snooze button! Apparently the female brain works in a more complex manner than those of men (I’m saying nothing….!)

7 Quick Organizing Tricks You’ll Actually Want To Try – Buzzfeed D.I.Y

Some of these are really clever ideas. I love the herbs in an ice cube tray, I usually keep mine in a bag but they can have a tendency to break into small bits or go soggy.

How to Make the Most of Google Calendar with 7+ New Tools – Make Use Of

I used to use Gantt charts all the time for project planning at one of my old jobs. They make it so easy to see what process relies on what and gives you a feel for the length and complexity of a project. Guess what? You can now generate Gantt charts directly from your Google calendar entries – neat!

What Your Mindless Daily Habits Reveal About You According To Science – IFLScience!

I am chronically late, I do try to be on time – honest! It was nice to see in writing this post that it’s not because I’m being disrespectful (and I’m not) but could be one of 4 factors that cause my lateness.

Did you know that the way you hang your toilet paper can also determine how assertive you are? No? The read on!

Email Etiquette 101 – Michael Hyatt

While this post contains information that we all should know off by heart it doesn’t hurt to have a reminder every now and again. I would have added one further item to the list and that’s “Please don’t finish emails with “Best””. Best Regards, All The Best sure but just “Best”? Best what? Best sit down or your legs will fall off? Maybe it’s because I’m English that this rubs me up the wrong way but I see nothing wrong with Kind Regards, Yours Sincerely, Yours Faithfully or Yours Truly – after all these are acceptable on a written letter and an email is just an electronic version of the same.

22 Reasons You Should Hire a Life Coach to Help You Achieve Your Goals – Nicolas Charlet – Life Coaching & Philosophy

I must admit I’m a bit wary of any one who calls themselves a “life coach”, after all a quick buck paid through PayPal and anyone can seemingly get a life-coaching qualification these days. However, that being said, not all Life Coaches are the same and some can offer real benefit to help you through difficult times, improve your life or just help you to get a different outlook on something you’re struggling with. This infographic gives you 22 ways a life coach can improve your life and outlook; so who knows, if you’re stuck in a rut then maybe this will sway you into getting some extra help.

17 Of The Most Awkward Things That Happen In Every Office – Buzzfeed UK

For our final link there’s a bit of comedy for your Friday. It should be stated that these are really British Problems but I’m sure that everyone will see the humour – and awkwardness – in all of the situations.

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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Featured Image: Frog on toilet by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay
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