February 17, 2025

Weekly Round-Up #203: Get Your Books In Order, Learning The Lingo and Making Your Weekend Longer


With the end of year coming up, some of you may need to sort your accounting out so if you don’t know where to start we have some great tips, how you can learn a new language in your own language and how you can get more time at the end of the week.

Weekly Round-Up #203: Get Your Books In Order, Learning The Lingo and Making Your Weekend Longer
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Hello, welcome to the round-up, I hope you’ve had a fun and productive week. With the end of year coming up, some of you may need to sort your accounting out so if you don’t know where to start we have some great tips, how you can learn a new language in your own language and how you can get more time at the end of the week.

Bookkeeping 101: Accounting Basics For Solopreneurs – The Lazy Source

Does bookkeeping for your online business stress you out? Totally confuse you? Completely overwhelm you? Then let Katie from The Lazy Source take you through the basics – her simple explanations have already cleared a few things up for me!

Learn Languages Online For Free With Mondly – Mondly

Most language learning apps only let you learn from English. But it’s best to learn from your native language, so Mondly allows you to learn from any of 33 languages. Become a part of the global community and set yourself apart from the rest of your colleagues with the Mondly App

Free Online PDF Suite – Secure, Anonymous, No Limits – easyPDF

EasyPDF.com is an all-in-one online tool that offers all types of PDF conversion to other formats and vice-versa. OCR conversion of scanned images is supported as well. Using this tool will make your PDF management easy. I’ve run a couple of tests on it and I have to say I’m quite impressed with the Compression and conversion – if you work with a lot of PDFs then I’d recommend you take a look at easyPDF.

When The World’s Biggest Tech Companies Reached IPO – RS Components

They are some of the most recognisable company names in the world, but have you ever wondered how long it has taken for some of the world’s largest tech giants to go from founded to floated? This graphic shows you the length of time it has taken the likes of Apple, Netflix, HP, eBay and more to reach IPO and go from founded to floated.

Where In The UK Works Hardest For Their Home? – MyVoucherCodes

Have you ever stopped to think about how much of your life you are giving up when you put down a deposit on your first home or when you fork out hundreds of pounds each month in rent or on your mortgage? As property prices increase it’s becoming increasingly difficult to get on the property ladder, in this infographic MyVoucherCodes looks at the cost of renting and owning a home across the UK.

The Four-Day Work Week: Why It Works – Zapier

Can people accomplish the same amount in four days as they can in five? And if so, why isn’t everyone doing it? Zapier looks at what we know so far to see how effective the four-day work week really is.

The Beginner’s Guide To Burning Fat And Building Muscle With Bodyweight Workouts – Eternal Oak

When you don’t have time to get to the gym or you don’t have the budget for the currently trending equipment it is important that you know that you can get a complete workout using just your body weight. In this article Eternal Oak looks at how you can get fit with minimal expense and equipment.

The Most Fearful And Fearless Countries To Start A Business – Graphic Springs

Having a great business idea and actually seeing it through are two very different things. Unfortunately, many great ideas never become a reality, with fear of failure often preventing aspiring business owners from starting up. See which countries are the most fearful and which are going for it with this interactive chart from Graphic Springs.

The Ultimate Guide To A Kitchen Remodel – Groom+Style

Remodeling your kitchen is something that people often look at doing in the New Year – maybe you found that your current layout didn’t work for you when catering for a large number of guests, maybe you set fire to the turkey and wrecked your units! Whatever the reason there are some important things to consider before ripping your current kitchen out and Groom+Style looks at what you need to think about.

The Contact Centre Shift: From Cost Centre To Profit Centre – RingCentral UK

In the past, contact centres were seen primarily as “cost centres”. Though you needed these solutions to engage with your customers and drive sales, they were costly to run. With vast amounts of hardware to worry about, on-site equipment, and even software for recording and call queue purposes there’s a lot to pay for and potentially have to fix. Add to that the fact that people are moving away from companies with overseas call centres and you could have a costly department on your hands – but does it actually need to be that expensive to run? No says Ring Central!

12 Tips To Prep Your Website For Black Friday – Market Inspector

So today might actually be Black Friday but that doesn’t mean you can’t apply these tips to use on your website any time of the year – afterall Black “Friday” seems to have been running the whole of November!

What began as an American tradition has officially made its way over to a good majority of European markets and, of course, the Internet. So learn the secrets and supercharge your sales for Black Friday, Cyber Monday and throughout the year.

7 Science-Backed Ways To Make Your Weekend Feel Longer – Budget Direct

The weekend is a guiding light that leads us through the toil and trouble of the working week. And those two days of freedom are undeniably wonderful. But oftentimes a two-day break feels too short to enjoy. How about making your weekend longer without losing any extra time?

A Small Business Guide To Advertising On Instagram – Headway Capital

As more and more brands join Instagram and the feed becomes more competitive, it can be harder for a small business to stand out. Whether it’s product shots, adverts or stories, Instagram is becoming a place that people look to find inspiration and make purchases – find out how to leverage the platform to make more money, it’s not all about #FoodPorn you know!

The UK’s Highest Paid Freelance Jobs – Protectivity

Freelancing has become a popular path for many in their careers, enabling them to be more flexible with their work and personal life, whereas many see the world of freelancing as the great unknown and a scary place to be. But just how profitable are some of the freelance careers we see these days, and just how desirable do people find them? Well, Protectivity has analysed over 50 freelance careers to show you the most financially secure and desirable jobs out there.

Have A Great Weekend

I hope you have enjoyed this round-up, as always if you have any links you like to share with me and my readers please contact me through the website or send me a tweet.

Until next week, Stay Productive!

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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