February 17, 2025

Weekly Review Mindmap/Graphical version

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Gary Slinger’s put up an excellent example of a Weekly Review mindmap which has really clarified to me what you should be looking for when you complete your review.

I think I might go and make myself one of those… oooh, pretty cheeky tongue

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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1 thought on “Weekly Review Mindmap/Graphical version

  1. “Very cool. This is going to be a big help for my weekly reviews, too.
    Thanks for posting it!

    As an aside…on your captcha, it would be very hard for a blind or
    colorblind person to leave you a comment. About 5% of all men and women
    are colorblind and are unable to differentiate between red and green.

    Obviously, if you’re blind and using a text-to-speech aide to surf the
    web, you wouldn’t be able to navigate this captcha (or almost any
    captcha) at all.

    >From an accessibility standpoint, may I recommend that you include, ON
    THE PAGE WHERE YOU POST A COMMENT, a means for these individuals to
    contact you to post their comments in a way that doesn’t involve a
    visual checkpoint? I can see that they can email you if they have
    problems after hitting the “”submit”” button, but I would think that most
    would give up before even entering a comment if they don’t see the link
    for problems on the comment entry page. (If your letters didn’t show up
    for some reason, I wouldn’t have tried to enter a random color and
    submit just to see if I guessed correctly and/or the problem email link
    just happened to be on the next page).

    Alternately, you could have the captcha be text-based, like a paragraph
    of text following a statement asking someone to identify the third word
    of the paragraph. You could make this as dynamic as you wanted with a
    little scripting, or just keep it static and revolve the text and the
    keyword to validate the comment on a regular basis.

    Just some suggestions to try to help keep the web accessible for those
    with some form of visual impairment.

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