February 10, 2025

Top 10 Self Help Books To Read In 2018


It’s the New Year so you’ve probably got all of your resolutions written down and you’re all set to achieve them – but how? In this article WIlliam Grigsby reviews 10 Self Help books that will help make a better you in 2018

Top 10 Self Help Books To Read In 2018
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As human beings, we are always on the lookout for tips and pieces of advice that are going to change our lives for the better, in either the short term or for good.

Sometimes we find them from friends and family, sometimes we see them on the television, but most often the best advice can be found in the plethora of self-help books that hit bookstore shelves every single year.

Whether you are looking for religious guidance, spiritual guidance or a more practical, humanistic approach, there is sure to be a book out there that can give you the boost and inspiration that you need. In order to give you a starting point, we have pulled together a cross section of the very best self-help books to read in 2018, with the help of multiple parties including the experts over at assignmentmasters.org.

Your Best Year Ever – Michael Hyatt

This book by Michael Hyatt, a famous leadership mentor, encourages readers to focus on their top five goals for the year, and provides lots of helpful assessment based plans that will work to help you achieve these five special goals. There are also prayers of gratitude included in the book, but those who are not looking for a religious angle will also find much to find inspiration and helpful advice here.

The Minimalist Mindset – Danny Dover

This is a book that encourages you to add meaningful things in to your life like travel, a love of music, new friendships etc. in exchange for eliminating others. It is all about the art of living a minimalist life with not too many extra commitments and worries, streamlining your time to make it the most efficient and enjoyable for you personally.

Dancing With Cancer – Judy Erel

After being diagnosed with a rare type of blood cancer, Judy Erel, now cancer free, writes about the power of restorative qualities that can be gained from creative outlets like drawing, mediation, journaling and just generally having a more positive mind set.

Year Of Yes – Shonda Rhimes

The queen of American television, creator of shows like Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal and How To Get Away With Murder, offers a life-changing tale about how saying yes to everything for a whole year completely changed her life. Shonda talks about the power of the word ‘no’ turning her in to an introvert, and that reprogramming herself to say yes to every invitation and offer gave her a completely new outlook on life. The book can do the same for you and fill you with motivation to start a new chapter.

Putting It Together Again When Everything Has Fallen Apart – Tom Holladay

Holladay was a pastor who lost his church and home in a tragic 1986 California flood, and his book offers readers seven key principles, based on the Bible’s Book of Nehemiah, for starting from nothing and building a better life for yourself from fresh. The book is not only inspiring, but it is also motivational; if the author can start again from literally nothing, then so can you.

Mindful Dreaming – Clare Johnson

This is a book that encourages the practice of lucid dreaming, which is the awareness of being in a dream and the ability to control it from within. The author argues that being able to manipulate your dreams can have a positive, affirming effect on your waking life.

The Bhakti Coloring Book – Ekabhumi Chalres Ellik

This artist provides 40 amazing images of Hindu deities and traditional decorative patterns for you to color. The book comes with descriptions and instructions for how exactly to consider each image to reach a wonderful meditative state.

May Cause Happiness – David Steindl-Rast

David Steindl-Rast is a Benedictine monk who presented a wildly successful TED talk called “Want to Be Happy? Be Grateful”, which gained more than six million views online. This book is a follow on from that TED talk, with more examination and rumination of the causes and happiness.

Believe Bigger – Marshawn Evans Daniels

Evans Daniels is a former sports attorney turned life coach, and he embraces that old competitive side to give us a book about channeling disruption and disappointment and turning it into a greater confident and a deeper faith, either in yourself or in a higher being depending on your personal belief system. He believes that more meaningful success can come when you have had a period of adversity.

Unafraid – Adam Hamilton

This is a book written by a Methodist pastor who draws from passages of scripture to address hot topic issues in modern society like worry, anxiety, fear and depression. It uses ancient proverbs and passages to give advice perfect for the modern day.

About The Author
William Grigsby is a book addict and professional editor. He lives for literature and its seduction of Mankind. Whatever challenges he goes through, he has one motto to rely on: keep reading, keep writing
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