February 19, 2025
Tips To Get Over Your Ex-Girlfriend And Build A New Healthy Relationship

Tips To Get Over Your Ex-Girlfriend And Build A New Healthy Relationship


Many of you will claim that your past makes you who you are, however, there are cases when you will need to let it go and bravely walk on. This is especially when building new relationships. No matter if you have past or present relationships, you should make your memories to bring you only positive emotions. Any time you experience emotional pain you will not only harm yourself but also your future. Each of us can make a mistake, even your partner, so concentrating on something that she has already left behind will only bring harm.

Illustration of couple going through a breakup
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Many of you will claim that your past makes you who you are, however, there are cases when you will need to let it go and bravely walk on. This is especially when building new relationships.

No matter if you have past or present relationships, you should make your memories to bring you only positive emotions. Any time you experience emotional pain you will not only harm yourself but also your future. Each of us can make a mistake, even your partner, so concentrating on something that she has already left behind will only bring harm.

Well, another  most common issue that most encounter in life is  when your ex is constantly on your mind. However, if you are sure about your decision and your relationship is officially over it is better to take your important steps and get over ex girlfriends. This will help you to move on and build a better life. Sure, it is not so easy sometimes, but nothing is impossible.

Here are some simple tips that will help to find your right path.

1. Try To Avoid Any Contact

Take a deep breath and start thinking about living your life for yourself. ”Let’s stay friends” – this phrase does not work for most couples, so if you feel that you are one of them just cut off all contact with her.  Besides, surfing the social media accounts to find information and changes about her is not a good idea at all. Do not forget to delete her contact numbers.

2. Do Not Keep Things That Remind You Of Her

Memories are great if they bring you nice emotions. However, you may have things that once were really important for you, now if you feel that these things bother your normal life and bring you pain it is better to get rid of them all. Painful memories can never help you in building a normal life. This is a big step that you should do for your future.

3. Push Negative Emotions Aside And Start Building Future Plans

You cannot even imagine how important your emotional wellness is for your physical and mental life. If you feel that negative emotions enter your mental space you need to find a fast solution to let them go. Stop for a while and start building your emotional health. You will notice that nothing is so critical and step by step you will feel at peace.

4. Focus On Yourself And Your  Favorite Activities

Well, this may sound a little bit ego-centric, however, focusing on yourself will help to appreciate your best sides again and create a great balance in your life. This does not mean that you need to become too self-centered and forget about your loved ones that surround you. Just take a stop and do what you like most: include your most liked hobbies, food, surround yourself with the ones you love most or do something that is important for you.

5.  Get Professional Help

Not all the relationships end up happily, so it can cause depression. It may even have a number of serious and long-term consequences, so to avoid them it is better to get professional help whenever you feel that it is needed. Love yourself more and never let the past spoil your life: no matter if it is your ex-girlfriend or your partner’s past. Everything has a solution, just find it on time.


The way you end your relationship with your girlfriend can really matter. Regardless how painful it is or how much you loved each other, if you think that both of you are not ready to be together, it is better to leave everything behind and go on. Your thoughts about the past may bother you in building new relationships. Just try to avoid your past mistakes and make your life better without concentrating on small issues. The same is for your new girlfriend. If you are sure to live with her, just trust, and do not spoil your life for something that she has already left behind.

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