February 19, 2025
Psychology Tuesday: Motivate Yourself

Psychology Tuesday: Motivate Yourself


Are you stuck in a rut? Here are 8 simple ways you can motivate yourself to get things done.

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Tuesdays are Psychology and Body Language Days at FlippingHeck.com

Last week I wrote Motivating your Manager and it seems a little unfair to lay all of the blame at the bosses feet! So, to balance things out this week I thought we’d take a little (light-hearted) look at motivating ourselves.

Do you need motivating? I sure as heck do sometimes. You know the feeling (particularly Mondays in my case), you get out of bed and think “Urgh. Here we go again.” Not good eh? So, how do we get out of this rut and start motivating ourselves?

  1. Think positive – Start the day thinking “Hey, today’s going to be a good day” and do you know what? It probably will be.
  2. Set a goal – Have something to aim for (no matter how small) today.
  3. Pat yourself on the back – Done a good job? Reward yourself for it.
  4. Get the worst task out of the way first – Then reward yourself with a task you know you’ll enjoy.
  5. Be realistic – It’s demotivating to set your sights too high. Keep yourself grounded.
  6. Be honest – Honesty is the best policy. Don’t lie about why you’re not doing something embrace it and you can conquer that feeling.
  7. Be your own drill sergeant – Sometimes we need to be shouted at to start performing.
  8. Re-Evaluate – If there’s something you keep on putting off take another look at it. Perhaps you’re going about it the wrong way.

What about you guys? How do you get yourself into gear when you just want to go back to bed and hide?

About The Author
Katy is always trying to be more productive one day at a time! Whether it's analogue, digital, motivational or psychological who'll try any system that will help her get things done and get organised. As well as running FlippingHeck.com, she also loves making music and reviewing things.
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1 thought on “Psychology Tuesday: Motivate Yourself

  1. “Motivation is a very simple word describing a complex process. For me, it takes commitment, dedication, action, and sustained effort. Discipline doesn’t hurt eitehr.”

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