Making Extra Cash For College
If you’re off to college or university then you’ll need to make some extra money to top up your tuition. In this article we look at 3 ways you can make a little extra cash that still leaves you time to study.

If you’re thinking about going to college, or are a parent of someone that’ll be shortly heading off to college, then you’ll already have some idea of the crazy costs associated with the pursuit of a good education and might be looking for ways to make extra cash for college.
The challenge, is that students are actually pretty busy with studying, contrary to their party lifestyles, and therefore often their studies take up so much time it’s not always feasible to work part-time, meaning they need to be a little more inventive in terms of how they make their income.
Here are some simple ways to help fund your studies that don’t involve getting a part-time (or even full-time) job on the side:
1. Set Up A Blog
Today, there is a phenomenon known as the “expert industry” whereby ordinary people become leading influencers due to their knowledge in a particular area, which they package up and tout to a very targeted audience. Once you have a following, either in social media or on your own blog website, you can start to monetise this through various methods such as advertising, affiliate marketing and sponsored content.
Taking this one step further, you could create an information marketing funnel that converts interested readers/viewers into customers by offering a sequence of free courses then a paid course. There are teenagers today that simply review make-up or video games on YouTube and generate a six figure income from these activities, in addition to some cool free stuff.
Influencer Marketing, as it’s known, is a great way to earn extra cash whilst fuelling your passion and getting yourself out there in the world of online media; just make sure you don’t do anything to harm your personal brand, as in, future career; bearing in mind the first place employers tend to look nowadays is social media prior to interview.
2. Babysit
Babysitting can be easy money. If you’re lucky, the kids will be asleep most the time, meaning you’ll be able to use this time to make some more money by, for example, looking into the best trading platform to make money on the stock market.
3. Create An Online Course
This dovetails from the idea above, whereby you can make an online course very simply (you can screencast a powerpoint presentation which means you don’t personally need to be on camera) and then you can either leverage it through your own blog platform and social media channels, or use a course platform such as Udemy in order to access a large audience where the host platform will offer a commission per sale; meaning you don’t have to shed out for marketing costs.
In summary, you’re looking for ways to leverage your time, as when you are working in a part-time job, in a shop for instance, then you are literally ‘wasting your time’ except for the amount you get paid for each hour. The suggestions above all incorporate the power of leverage; meaning you build an asset that you leverage multiple times to produce revenue – rather than being stuck on the treadmill of trading time for money.