Free Download: Christmas Present Tracker
Keep track of who you have to buy presents for, what you have bought them and here from and keep a running total of costs, there’s no need to double up on presents or go over your budget this Christmas.

Yes, we’re getting to that time of the year when it becomes publicly acceptable to say the “C” word – no, not that! Get your mind out of the gutter – I’m referring to Christmas!
I’m trying to be super-organised this year and started buying some of my presents and food at the beginning of October, the problem with doing this is that it’s quite easy to forget what you’ve bought and how much you’ve spent. This is where the Christmas Present Tracker comes in. You simply keep a note of what you’ve bought, where and how much it cost on a separate sheet for each person.
The tracker is really easy to use and has the following sections:
- Name – Who are these presents for?
- Budget – How much in total are you spending on this person?
- Present – What did you get them?
- Shop – Where did you buy it. This is useful for returns – you can also number your receipts and pop that in here so you can keep track of them.
- Cost – How much was the present?
- Running Total – Add up the costs in this column so you can check against your budget
If you have any suggestions or questions, please let me know in the comments!