February 17, 2025
Call Tracking And How It Can Help Improve Your Business

Call Tracking And How It Can Help Improve Your Business


To launch a successful marketing campaign, you have to form a multi-tiered strategy to land more leads. However, is there a way to know which of these marketing campaigns are most successful? In this article we take a look at a way you can measureyour off-line marketing endeavours.

Cell Phone Tower
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To launch a successful marketing campaign, you have to form a multi-tiered strategy to land more leads. However, is there a way to know which of these marketing campaigns are most successful? You probably have online marketing and analytics tools to measure your company’s growth. However, how can you track the leads that you get from phone calls? Think about it, you need to have valuable data in determining which specific campaigns are delivering phone leads. It is what phone tracking precisely delivers you, gathering vital information on your online marketing campaigns.

How does a call tracking software work?

Call tracking software is relatively simple. It works by assigning you phone numbers that are unique. It is then applied to both your offline and online marketing campaigns. Along with other valuable data, these responses are tracked and analyzed according to key metrics.

Call tracking metrics

What are these valuable call tracking metrics that you need to evaluate that can prove to be most valuable for your business?


You can track the number of conversions you’ve received from each marketing campaign. In this way, you better understand how you can spend your budget for marketing.

Number of calls

You will receive a detailed report of the number of calls you’ve received as well as patterns and trends that prompted the call.

Call duration

Some marketing strategies perform better than others. You could be able to track in detail which approaches produced more in-depth and longer calls from customers that eventually lead to more sales.

Location and time of a call

You can also track what time of the day led to more calls and conversion rates as well as which locations have the highest percentage of sales.

PPC landing page

You can also track your PPC landing page’s performance. Call tracking gives you vital insight into which landing pages are working excellently as well as generating most calls, leads, and conversions.

Furthermore, you can also use call tracking to monitor the performance of your staff. Which team member is performing well in converting leads into sales. That way, you’d be able to reward your top performing staff with a raise or promotion.

Additionally, here are some other services that come with a call tracking system that can be beneficial to your business.

You Can record calls

It is essential for the company to track and record calls to improve overall caller experience. It will identify your team’s strengths as well as weaknesses.

Email notifications

You will receive regular email alerts to notify you to follow up any missed calls, or if ever you want to listen to a call that has been recently recorded.

Google Adwords and Analytics

You can use the data from your call tracking software side by side with Google Analytics and Adwords to closely monitor your growth as well as which campaigns are working to your advantage.

To access easy to use call tracking technology that can generate the most valuable results, check out Fone Dynamics.

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About The Author

John is a long-time professional with over two decades of experience in analytics and communications technology. He works as the Senior Data Analyst at Fone Dynamics, a leader in call tracking, voice, and SMS communication. When John steps out of the office, he loves to spend time with his family and bike riding.

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