February 13, 2025
Brain Injuries At Work: What Every Employee Needs To Know

Brain Injuries At Work: What Every Employee Needs To Know


When it comes to workplace injuries, brain injuries are perhaps the most complex ones to deal with. They can happen due to various reasons, from slips and falls to falling objects, walking into objects and more. Employees who sustain them can expect trouble because these injuries aren’t only limited to concussions. There can be more serious ones, such as contusions, skull fractures and traumatic brain injuries.

Illustration on an outline of a person and their brain
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When it comes to workplace injuries, brain injuries are perhaps the most complex ones to deal with. They can happen due to various reasons, from slips and falls to falling objects, walking into objects and more.

Employees who sustain them can expect trouble because these injuries aren’t only limited to concussions. There can be more serious ones, such as contusions, skull fractures and traumatic brain injuries. At times, they are even difficult to diagnose because the effects may be visible after weeks or even months. It becomes vital for workers to understand the implications of brain injuries at the workplace and also be aware of their rights in terms of legal compensation. Let us explain everything they need to know.

Brain Injuries May Not Always Be Overt

When you sustain a head injury at the workplace, there may be an underlying brain injury which may not be physically recognizable. Rather than having cuts and wounds, you may experience a range of symptoms that show up gradually.

Some victims lose consciousness and suffer from dizziness at the time of the mishap. Others may experience sensitivity to light, be irritable, have memory issues or suffer from headaches eventually. Understanding these symptoms is vital, not only for getting treatment at the earliest but also for reporting them to the employer so that you can seek compensation.

The Cost Of Brain Injury At The Workplace

As concussion often has no physical symptoms, you may start with regular work right after the accident. But it isn’t the right thing to do. Any form of a head injury at the workplace requires an immediate examination to rule out the possibility of a concussion or severe injury. If the condition is serious, you will need to seek help from an expert brain injury lawyer for workers comp to cover the damages.

The recovery costs of traumatic brain injuries can run high as they include lengthy hospital stays, extensive medication, rehabilitation costs and even the cost of hiring a personal caregiver. Not seeing a doctor immediately means that you could lose on the crucial window for early treatment and suffer serious effects.

Workers’ Compensation For Brain Injuries

Like any other injury, workers are entitled to claim compensation for brain injuries at the workplace. Workers’ compensation should ideally cover the medical expenses for treatment and lost wages. Additionally, it should also include the training for new skills if the worker is no longer able to continue the original job due to the head injury.

However, insurance companies are often not inclined to recognize brain injuries easily. They would want an Independent Medical Examination (IME) to examine the victim and provide a second opinion to ensure the validity of the diagnosis and treatment. Since they would try their best to avoid paying up, the employee should seek help from an attorney such as these work injury lawyers in Houston to represent their case.

While employees should be aware of their legal rights in such cases, employers need to go the extra mile with workplace safety to prevent incidents in the first place. A little caution can go a long way in saving the lives of employees and the reputation of the business.

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